Hogsmeade & Honeydukes

Start from the beginning

A small blush appeared on her cheeks as she looked away, "I have no idea what you're talking about, Lettie." She feigned innocence, using the nickname she adopted for me in our first year.

On Our first night at Hogwarts, we discovered we were roommates and bed neighbours. Neither one of us got any sleep that night because we stayed up talking. Consequently, we wound up being late for our first potions class. So we did not start off on the right foot with Snape, but does Snape even have a right foot? Both his feet are probably left. Maybe that is why he's so cranky all the time.

I giggled at my thoughts, knowing very well what the phrase 'two left feet' meant, but life is no fun if you can't make cheesy jokes to yourself.

Looking at her without dropping my smirk, I teased, "Now, who's full of it, Angie?"

"It's still you. You didn't smell your breath this morning, but I did. You smelt like you were full of Dungbombs."


We laughed and continued talking down to Hogsmeade. Snow fell, making the whole town look covered in a white blanket. The sun reflecting off the snow was almost blinding, and I could feel my cheeks and nose already getting chapped from the crisp wind.

 The sun reflecting off the snow was almost blinding, and I could feel my cheeks and nose already getting chapped from the crisp wind

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"There you two are!" George called, running over to us. He hooked each of his arms around mine and Angelina's shoulders as he walked with us. Though George wasn't a stranger to putting an arm around my shoulders platonically, I knew it was more of an excuse to do it to Angelina this time.

Fred and I knew they had a crush on each other. The only two that seemed to be unaware of it were, in fact, Angelina and George, despite Fred's and my constant encouragement to get them to ask each other out. We always snitched to them about the other's feelings, hoping one would be brave enough to make a move, but it was all in vain. They never believed us.

"Where's Fred?" I asked George, scanning the crowd through the falling snow.

I didn't see Fred anywhere, but what I could see was George's cheeky grin, "Why do you want to know?"

"Because he's my favourite twin. Duh."

He winced, removed his arm from my shoulder, and clutched at his chest, "Wow, that was hurtful, Charlotte. You should probably work on your people skills."

"Just tell me where he is," I nudged him while he was still attached to Angelina. I knew he would somehow find a reason to remove his arm from my shoulders so Angelina could feel like the only girl around in his eyes. Something I love about George is that he knows exactly how to make people feel special. Everyone is different, and George had a knack for determining what makes each individual happy.

"Alright. Alright. Quit getting so hostile," George fake whinged, "He wanted me to tell you to meet him at Honeydukes. Then later, we're all supposed to gather at The Three Broomsticks."

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