"... So why am I named Theo in the show?", Flynn asked curiously and Sean actually didn't have an answer for that. 

"I don't know the meaning of Th--", Sean began but Lana cut in and laid her words over his 

"Theodore means 'God's gift'. Since Regina wasn't able to have children after some magical potion she drank, she considered it as a gift from God that she was able to have some in the end.", Lana grinned and saw Sean's confused gaze. "I talked with Adam and Eddie about it.", she added and made him understand where her knowledge came from. 

Sean just chuckled about the fact that she always wanted to know every single little piece of information to be fully prepared for her role, which was actually why she was that good at her job. 

"Alright, but now we have to go.", Lana said, grabbing Flynn's backpack. "Everyone in the car please.", she grinned and went outside. They dropped Flynn off at a friend of his and Amélie and Leo at a friend's of Sean since there would probably be alcohol involved that night and it wouldn't be too responsible to have the children at home whilst the party. 

"How was your week?", Sean asked on the way back to his house, since Lana hasn't been with them for a while now, which was hard on everybody. After their little family date at the beach, they saw each other most of the time for professional purposes. 

"It was great and… kind of heartbreaking. I had some great parties going on and lovely goodbyes. It really helps to know that we'll be gone for just ten months this time and not seven years.", Lana laughed slightly. 

"Yeah, that's true. Our week was quite quiet. We celebrated Thanksgiving with some friends and the kids loved it. It's so hard for them to keep it a secret that they are going to play on a TV show. It's like a huge dream coming true for them.", Sean explained grinning. 

"They are extremely excited. Yes… but also extremely engaged and willing to learn. All they wanna do with me is to be taught how to act better. It's so cute… they must have your genes, Sean.", Lana laughed and Sean agreed with her statement. It is true. His kids have been obsessed with acting since they started to practice for the audition. Surely they had a bonus since Sean could simply talk to the writers but Leo and Flynn still had to go through a simple audition to prove that they could deliver in front of the cameras. Even Amélie went through a scene with Lana to have a look at her reaction to a lot of strangers and cameras in a room. She did great, well… as a baby all she had to do was be there and look cute but in addition to that, it was a huge bonus that she was comfortable with Lana. Since Amé was like the happiest baby on this planet, she loved being surrounded by many people and was extremely curious about all the cameras and screens. 

Sean and Lana arrived back at his house soon later, starting to prepare for the party. They put some drinks and cups out on the kitchen counter. and made some space in the living room. They had planned to go outside, but it was raining the whole day, so the only option left was the living room. For Lana, it felt nice to be back in his house without any agent or folder with several pieces of contract in her hands. Just her and Sean, something that didn't really happen in the previous month. She couldn't believe that it was already Thanksgiving, meaning her beach date was over two months ago. Back on that day she swore to herself not to run away anymore, little did she know that the upcoming days would be that busy for both of them. Sure, they still had their little moments, laying in each other's arms, holding hands, or just teasingly tickling one another but no moment seemed perfect enough to actually spill the tea since it felt like they were always on a run. 

That's why it felt so good to be back in Sean's house, with an all signed up contract and finally some peace and quiet for them to enjoy without any thoughts or ringing of a phone that would distract them every ten minutes. 

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