Chapter 2

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I guess I should tell you guys what they look like haha
Mari Matthews- Lycia Faith when she had brown hair
Bea Macy- Lia Marie Johnson
Dylan Reeve- Luke Foushee
Jack Gilinsky- Himself
Jack Johnson- Himself
Sammy Wilk- Himself
Skate Maloley- Himself
I didn't want to use people who were too famous so if you don't really know who these people are, you can search them up in your free time :) Now onto the story
Wake up Mari!!!" My mom yelled.

"What?" I said, sleepy.

"It's almost one! Wake up and get ready. Dylan and Bea are waiting for you downstairs." She said, walking out. I got up and went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and clean my face. I walked to my closet and put on a maroon hoodie and black skinny jeans. I brushed my hair and let it down. I grabbed my phone and slipped on my shoes. I walked downstairs to see Bea and Dylan on the couch.

"Hey guys." I said.

"Hey, let's go!" Bea said.

"Where?" I said, confused.

"To the mall." Dylan said.

"Oh, ok. Let's go." I said, walking out the door. We jumped in Bea's car and drove to the mall. Once we got there we walked into the food court. I bought some iced coffee from McDonald's. I'd rather spend $1.50 on one from McDonalds then spend $5 on one at Starbucks. Bea bought the same thing as me and Dylan bought a smoothie. We paid and walked around the mall. I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking and ran into someone.

"I'm so sorry, oh my-" I stopped once I saw who it was.

"It's all good." He said, smiling. His smile made blush, wait what am I saying, this is Jack Gilinsky, the player.

"Uhh, ok bye." I said, walking past him.

"You were blushing!" Dylan said.

"No I wasn't." I said, taking my last sip of my coffee. I threw it in the trash as were walked into H&M.

"Yea you were, do you like him?" Bea said.

"No I don't. I honestly don't even know why I blushed." I said, looking at a white sundress with small pink flowers. I checked the price and it was affordable so I picked out my size.

"Mmhmm." Dylan said. We looked at some more stuff and then paid and left. We headed towards pacsun. Bea ran in and her eyes lit up. I looked at Dylan and we both rolled out eyes and followed her in. I saw a cute gold necklace from there and got it. I paid and walked outside the store and sat down at a couch. I was on my phone scrolling through my Instagram when I felt someone sit next to me. I looked up expecting to see Dylan or Bea but it was Jack.

"Hey." He said.

"Uh, hey." I said. My heart beat pacing up. Just as he was about to say something Dylan and Bea walked out.

"Let's go!" Bea said.

"Okay." I said, getting up and leaving Jack.

"So?" Dylan said.

"So? What?" I said.

"Nothing." Dylan said.

"Okay..." I said, as we walked to more shops. It was about 5 when we decided to go home. We dropped off Dylan at his house and then Bea said she was going to spend the night so we went by her house to pick up some clothes. She ran in and she was back in about 10 minutes. We drove to my house and my mom was at work. Thankfully I had my key. I opened the front door and walked in. We walked to my room and she sat her things down and sat down on the bean bag chair I had.

"Do you like Jack?" She asked out of nowhere.

"No, why?" I said.

"Because every time you look at him, you seem like everything around you stops."

"Ew." I said. Bea and I both started laughing.

"But, no really." She said.

"I don't, but today, when he smiled, I felt like all happy and then when he sat by me my breath got short and my heart beat got faster. I don't what's happening."

"Love, loves what's happening."

"No, I can't like him."

"You act like its a bad thing."

"It is! He's a player. He plays with a girls heart and then throws her out."

"Oh come on. I thought that about Sammy, but look at us now. It's been a year." She said.


"Ok whatever then. Wanna eat?"

"My mom said she'll bring home pizza when she gets off work." I said.

"And that's at like what, 8?!" She said. I laughed and walked downstairs. I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a bag of Doritos. I ran back to my room.

"DORITOS!!" Bea practically yelled. I laughed and opened the Doritos bag and grabbed a few chips. I handed the rest of the bag to Bea.

"So what should we do?" I asked.

"Watch Netflix?" She asked.

"Sure." I said, grabbing my laptop and putting on "The Haunting of Helena"

"WHY THIS? YOU KNOW I HATE/LOVE SCARY MOVIES." She said, making me laugh. We watched the movie and suddenly my door flew open and I swear we never screamed this loud before.

"It's just me, Mari." My mom said, laughing.

"DONT SCARES US LIKE THAT!!!" I said, laughing.

"I have pizza downstairs girls, go get some." She said, walking out. We ran downstairs and both started eating right away. It was already 9 when we finished eating. We went back to my room.

"So Sammy dropped the I love you bomb yesterday." She said.

"And?" I said.

"I said it back."

"Did you mean it?"

"Of course!"

"But the thing is, did he mean it?" I said. I was worried she'd be played

"I think, he did say it first."

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