Chapter 22

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*two years later*

"Mari!" My roommate, Dylan yelled, knocking me out of my thoughts. She's been my roommate since we got a dorm together but we became close friends and decided to get a nice flat less than a mile away from school. Getting a flat was cheaper than having a dorm. Dylan had brown hair and bright hazel eyes, she was the definition of perfect.

"What?" I said.

"Jaden's throwing a frat party tonight. We should go. It's the last day before break!" She said. Jaden was always throwing parties and it was really stupid. He and Dylan were dating, so I was forced to be nice to him even though I hated his guts.

"I don't know... I'm getting on a plane at 6 tomorrow and I'd really like to not have an hangover and I still need to pack." I said.

"Come on, it'll be fun! There's gonna be hot guys." She said, winking.




"Yay! Let's pick out an outfit for you." She said, opening my closet. She picked out a black skater skirt with a dark grey crop top with Bastille's band logo on it. I went to go put the outfit on since we had an hour until we had to get to the party. I walked out and she wolf whistled which made me laugh. She picked out heels and she begged is wear them but I decided I'd stick with all black vans. She left to go get ready and I straightened my hair. I put on eyeliner and nude lipstick.

"Dylan! Are you ready?" I yelled.

"Almost, putting on my shoes!" She yelled back. I was gonna grab my keys but I thought I shouldn't and we should just take a taxi. Dylan was known to get wasted at parties, me not to much but just to be safe. Dylan was finally done and we headed out. We hailed a taxi and made our way to Jaden's.

"I heard a rumor that Jaden's friends with the Jack and Jack and they might be there." she said. My heart stopped. I hadn't seen him for two years at the airport. I still had the ring he gave me, I was actually wearing it right now. Jack said he would make me proud and he did. We used to call, facetime and text all the time but one day, he just stopped. He didn't reply and that's when I knew we were done.

"That's uh nice." I said, fiddling with my thumbs.

"Are you okay?" Mari said.

"Yea, I'm fine." I said. A few minutes later we arrived at the party. If Jack was there, I honestly don't know what I would do. Would he remember me? Would he recognize me? Has his personality changed? I was knocked out of my thoughts as we entered the party. Music was blaring, people smelt of beer and weed, people were making out and the party was barely starting. It was only 9. I turned to look at Dylan to see that she disappeared, great. I walked around and found the kitchen. I grabbed a beer and opened it.

"Hey." I heard someone say, I looked up to see Aidan.

"Hey." I smiled. He was one of the first people I met here and he's the sweetest. He had black hair and bright blue eyes.

"Dylan dragged you to this?"


"Jaden made me come." He wasn't really a party type of guy, more like bands and books, like me. Jaden and Aidan were twins, but polar opposites. Jaden, sports jock. Aidan, music and book obsessed.

"Wanna go to the attic?" I asked. The attic wasn't creepy like in the movies, it was like a game room. We walked up the stairs and passed people making out and Aidan pretended to throw up. I laughed and we passed more people. I wasn't looking where I was looking when I bumped into a body.

"Sorry..." I said looking up to see the person.

"It's okay, wait Mari?" They said.

(A/n) ooooo hangover! Sorry but yea idk. Hope you liked the chapter. Who do you think the person is? (I bet your all thinking "duh of course we do" yea it's pretty obvious xD) anyways, byeee.

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