Chapter Twenty-One

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As the weeks passed, Allene got many letters from the Minster concerning different things for her coronation. So, when the day came, she was ready to take the stans and claim her royal title as princess. The day came on her twelfth birthday like promised and in ten short hours, she would be claiming her title as a princess in front of hundreds of people.

Allene was not ready not even a little bit ready, she was scared nervous even. More importantly, she wanted her cousins she hadn't seen them all summer and she missed them a lot. Allene was still layin in bed deep in thought when Narcissa walked into her room  "Allene darling, it's time to get up. In nine hours, we will have to go to the castle for final touch-ups."

Allene nodded sitting up in her bed, "Thank you, Narcissa, for your help with everything. But do you really think I can do this? I mean I was raised by muggles mean ones that didn't believe in magic. How am I supposed to do this?"

"You are very welcome Allene. I really truly believe you can do this, there is always going to be someone who tries to tear you down for how you choose to rule. But it is your decision, you choose to treat everyone as an equal even those some think should be treated as less than. I believe you are exactly what our world needs right now a good fair ruler. But for now, you need to go downstairs and eat, Draco is already downstairs eating. After you are done eating, I would like to start doing your hair and nails, as we go over some extra things." Narcissa smiles giving Allene a hug as she gets out of bed.

Allene hugged her back before letting her go smiling "Thank you so much Narcissa, I really needed that. I'm worried and I miss Harry and Dudley. Do you know if they're going to make it tonight?"

"You do not need to worry let me do that for now. Yes, both of your cousins will be there in the front row watching you. I made it my personal mission to get the mister to Allow you muggle cousin and I got the letter yesterday that he would be there. Now go down and eat." Narcissa smiled waving Allene out of her room, "Oh, and do not worry about your cats they have been sent to the vet already and will be at the castle by the time we get there."

Allene thanked Narccisa again before running out of her room.


After breakfast, Allene and Narcissa spent the next six hours getting ready. Allene's hair was perfect and her nails were polished to perfection. They spent most of the time talking about little things like who would be there, what those people did, and their blood staties because it still matters even when some wish it didn't. Mr. Malfoy walked in at one point and talked with the girls for a little bit before he left to go help the minister at the castle.

At the four-hour mark Narcssia aloud Allene to leave and find Draco. And find him she did in his room reading a book in one of his nice tuxes. Draco let her climb into the bed and read to her before they both fell asleep.

There were two hours left till the coronation when Narssica went looking for Allene to do final touch-ups. It only took her one try to find Allene laying in bed with her son. Narcissa quickly summoned her camera taking a picture of the two sleeping children before she walked over to them.

"Allene, you need to get your dress on so I can do the final touches to your hair. So we can leave on time." Narcissa smiled gently shaking Draco and Allene awake "Come on Allene I have to fix your hair and you need to get your dress on. Draco you need to get ready as well. We have to leave in one hour."

Draco and Allene stirred before looking up at Narcissa, Allene sat up "Why do we have to be there so early?"

"Because the Poparzie thinks that you will be showing up thirty minutes before it starts. We are trying to get you there without a million cameras flashing in your face. But don't get it twisted there still will be cameras there just not as many as there will be at the thirty-minute mark." Narcissa states as Allene hops out of the bed pushing Draco off the bed in the process.

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