Chapter Twenty

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After the first week at the Malfoy manor, Allene got used to not being around Harry, quite honestly it was refreshing not having to listen to him complain about her being in a different house. She thought of it as a vacation just a few months away, and then she could see her cousins again. But till then she would have fun with Draco, learn how to play quidditch, work on summer homework, and having Rex give Harry letters for her.

    It's the start of July when Allene gets the letter, from the ministry of magic, that she only has twenty-nine days to decide if she wants to take the thrown or not. Of course, she had thought about it, but she had not yet really decided on what she wanted to do. Even though Draco has told her a handful of times he knew what she was going to choose. And truth be told so did she, even though she was not yet ready to admit it.

    "Good morning, Allene." Draco smiles as he walks into her room, and sits on the bed next to the young girl holding the letter,  "what is it?"

    "It is a letter from the minister with my 12th birthday coming closer with each passing day the minister is pressing me for an answer. He does not want to plan a Coronation in 15 hours but in days, obviously because who would. But I do not know if I should take it, you know? What if I am not a good princess or a good role model for young witches and wizards. What if I make things worse?" Allene rants, putting down the letter as she starts to pace her room. which causes Draco to stand up from where he is sitting on Allenes' bed.    

    Draco stands in front of Allene as he places both hands on her shoulders. "Allene, stop worrying, Deep breaths. You do not have to do it alone, you have me, the girls, and every Slytherin, not to mention Hogwarts. If you need help no worries, we got you. For your sake and mine, I think answering him now would be the best option though. It gives him time to plan, and you can give him input on how you would like it to be. It also gives us time to get you ready. I am sure there are things you will be expected to do as the princess, like meet orphan witches and wizards or dying people in Saint mongos. Also, I am sure there are rules that you will be expected to follow. And we all know you would be stressed out if you only had 15 hours to go over everything." Draco smiles letting Allene's shoulders go and walking over to her desk. Where she has her Diary and other important things sitting waiting for her. "Come one wright him. We both know you want to say yes, it is every little girl's dream, and you love helping people."

    "Okay fine I will wright him, but I want Crissy in here to read it to make sure it is written correctly," Allene states as she sits down at her desk quill in hand.

    "Of course," Draco laughs "Mum would lose her mind if you wrote the Minster without using proper writing, for an heir. I will go find her while you start writing. Even though we both know mom will make you write it again to make sure it is perfect."

    After Draco left the room it only took Allene a few minutes to figure out what exactly she wanted to say, to the mister of magic.


Dear Mr. Fudge,

I have received your Owls concerning, the coronation in case I wish to be crowned. In which I have been contemplating, Whether I wish to take the crown or not. In the face of my decision, all my companions believe it is my best decision to do just that, Take my rightful spot on the English throne.

However, I have some worries, about being such an important figure in the wizarding world. Most of my worries are minimal things relating to how people perceive me as a person. Although I have bigger worries relating to my schooling, Would I still be allowed at Hogwarts? Would I have other dudes alongside my schoolwork? Will I have rules that I have to follow? When I go out in public will I have to be dressed up, or will I have somebody following me around?

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