Chapter three- Savior(s)

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As you awoke, you were stuck in your fox form, with bandages wrap around your waist.

You tried regain your senses and memory of what happened, and realized you were brought somewhere. Afraid the three men were your fathers men, you quickly got up, only to be stopped by pain in your lower abdomen.

"Wouldn't move too much if I were you sweet heart."
You looked to see who was talking. A man with black hair , beside him was a guy with a scar on his eye and a guy with stripe hair.

"Who are you and what's your goal," you beamed at them with your tail standing up, getting defensive.

"Chill girly, the names Shinichirou, Sano Shinichirou," the black haired beamed with a smile.

"These guys next to me are Takeomi and Wakasa."

"Yo," the guy with the scar said.

"What are you planning to do with me?" You asked, not letting your guard down.

"Shouldn't we be the one asking questions here doll face?" Shinichirou said.

"Please don't call me those nicknames, it makes me wanna puke," you growled.

"Then why don't you tell us your name Ms.Fox girl" the stripped head said.

"How do I know you're not planning something if I tell you my na-" before you could finish, your stomach growled, probably from not eating anything for 6 hours.

"Here," the black hair pushed a plate of food towards you.

You looked at the food, then back at him. Afraid to take a bite, you pushed it back to him without saying a word.

"What's wrong?" The black asked in confusion.

Shinichirou's pov:
She pushed the food back at us, glancing between the food and me.

I asked what's wrong, only to recieve a glare.
"Do you not like the food?" I asked. The girl only shook her head. "Then why won't you eat? You're definitely hungry from what I heard coming from your stomach" I said as I pushed the plate back in front of her. But that only seemed to have her on guard more, as she pushed the plate back again I noticed scars...

There was scars everywhere on her body.
And then there's that tattoo.... I swear I've seen it somewhere...but I can't remember.

Your pov:
The black haired man kept trying to get me to eat. Yes I am hungry, but I don't know if he'd done something to the food. When he stopped persisting, I looked up to see him staring at me, to be more specific; my leg. I quickly covered myself with my tail, which seemed o snap the guy out of his thoughts.

"Pervert!" I mumbled. I then looked around the room, I saw a door. Hoping that it was unlocked, I sprinted towards it. But the wound on my abdomen and my empty stomach held me down.

I groaned from the pain of falling down.
"You ok there Ms.Fox Girl?" The stripped head asked.
He came towards me, offering me a hand, but I smacked it away.

"I don't need your help! You're not gonna take me back to him!" I growled.

"Mind elaborating?" The scared one said.
"Don't act dumb! You're keeping me here until he comes to collect me aren't you? Thats why you were desperate to have me eat that food, you're trying to weaken me!" I argued.

The three of them just looked at me, bewildered. "What? Not speaking since I revealed your plan?" I scoffed. "What do you mean? Who are you running from?" the black haired spoke out. I looked at him, confused. Well that wasn't the reaction I expected.... Was I wrong? But then again, they could be acting.

"Whats with those questions? I thought father had explained?" I questioned .

"Father? I think you misunderstood, we were passing by and just saw you get stabbed, we just wanted to help. We didn't have any other motives!" The black hair quickly explained.

"Then why am I here?" I asked,  I really thought they were gonna take me back to father, asking for payment, or use me and then sell me to the market.
I were gonna ask another question, but was interrupted as my stomach letted out a loud growl.
"Ah right, you were hungry. Why don't you take the food?" The black haired asked.

I gave him a glare, I still don't trust that food.

Third pov:
The three tried to guess on why you wouldn't eat. It was then they seemed to remember what you had said before. "How about this, what if we took a bite first and prove to you that the food is safe to eat, hm?" The scared man suggested.

You slowly nodded your head as each of them took a bite of the food, swallowing. They then pushed the food back towards you and you wolfed it down.
"So tell me, what's your name doll?" The black one said.

"It's y/n." You didn't want risk your identity, so you didn't give them your last name, the three seem to notice this and just let you be. They think you'll reveal it to them once your comfortable with them since they still see you in defense position.

"Ok then, y/n-chan, can you explain why those people were ganging up on you?" the black haired asked.
"We're gonna have to start in the beginning then...."
"If it makes you uncomfortable, then you don't have to" the black haired said with a smile. Thinking the three are harmless, you start to tell your story. But what you had said might shocked the three for life.

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