Chapter 38- a leader

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"We can testify for that"

3rd pov
Everyone turned towards the voice, seeing two figures walking. "after all-" "-she did save us from her old man" they finished each other's sentence.

It was none other than the Haitani brothers. "We were running from her old man one day and she helped us, isn't that right brother?" the younger spoke, asking for confirmation. The older brother only hums a reply.

"W-what?! There's no way! How can one of them betray themselves?!" The guy was panicking now, it seemed that he was after something with his statement, not knowing there was gonna be evidence. "Well, it seems that I've proven enough" you start, "but it seems that someone still isn't satisfied..... so to further prove my dislike towards my family, allow me to lead you all to victory against them!"

It was silent for a moment. There are those who are still confused and some who doesn't believe you. "We are her proof of motive and those who are hesitant are trash" the younger Haitani spoke, trying to get them on their side. "And I know there are some of you who has families in Roppongi, would be a shame if something were to happen ;)" the older one chimed in.

"I-I'll join!" "I'm in!" "I trust her!" Immediately, shouts of desperation rang through the parking lot, some scared for their family, while others scared for their lives.

"I still disagree!"

Everyone went quiet, shocked that even with the threat of their lives and family on the line someone is still contradicts. "You may have the Haitani's approval, but how do we know you're a good leader for us?!"

"And what makes you say that?" you ask him. "Because you're a girl!" he immediately answers, "you don't know shit about leading a gang, don't even say that you can lead us to victory against Phoenix! After all, you were just spoiled to hell!"

"So you think..... just because I'm of the opposite sex.... that I can't lead?" you suddenly speak, voice laced with venom.

"Well, ye-"

"I'll have you know that I led the faction that defeated you and you're gang" you cut him off.


"You were once a part of (random gang), had 200 members, and was beaten down by the fourth faction of the Phoenix" you spewed out.


"Furthermore, you were the one who essentially begged for mercy because you didn't want to die, and suggested being a spy for 'us'" you continued, not allowing him to speak. "And they had accepted. So, with you being here, that means you're either spying or genuinely trying join. However, considering how you're acting, I'm gonna assume the previous one."

"W-w-why would y-you know that?!" he stutter, you can tell he's getting nervous.

"Well that's because I led that faction. Of course, if you want more proof, I was also the third commander of Toman as well as strategist for them. So I suggest that next time, don't judge based on gender." And with that, you ran toward him a full speed and kicked him. He flew and crashed in to the cars, creating a small imprint of his body.

"Anyone else who still doubts my ability is welcome to leave. I won't tolerate half assed members. Dismissed" you finishes, walking away with Wakasa, Takeomi, and the Haitani brothers following behind.

-once you were far away-
"Holy shit! That was nerve wracking!" you suddenly exclaimed, startling the two brothers. "I'd say you did a good job, you showed them who was in charge" Takeomi praised. "It was to be expected, nothing surprising" Wakasa muttered, hiding his happiness. "Aww~ do I hear a hint of sarcasm in there?" you teased.

"She was nervous?" the younger Haitani whispered to the older one, "it seemed like she's done it before...." "Women are always mysterious creatures...." the older replied to the question.

"Oh yeah, Ran, Rindou, thanks for sticking up for me earlier!" you turned towards them. "Ara? Our cold fox is thanking us? Who are you and what did you do go our aloof leader?" Ran teased.

"Don't expect more to come your way, I'm only saying it now because I wouldn't have been able to tame them without your help" you explained. "Sure, whatever you say miss austere" Rindou teased as well, surprising his brother with the action.

"Well then, let's go celebrate! I'll pay" Takeomi said.

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