Chapter 37

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"C'mon! I didn't think this gang would get this weak! Do you really expect to beat them like this?!"

Screams and grunts of agony echoed throughout the abandoned parking lot as you 'train' the members.

"So.... Where am I gonna stay?" you asked the two adults who was walking ahead of you.

"Well, since rent is expensive these days, you're going to stay with one of us until you can support yourself" Mr. lazy leopard replied. "Doesn't sound too bad. Just don't bring your business when I'm there, or at least warn me so I can get out" you tell him.

"Wha- what do you think we do in our house?! I have damn siblings for fucks sake!" nicotine addict exclaimed. "Jeeze.... Calm your ass. I was talking to grandpa hair, not you. Besides, I doubt you'd even get laid anymore" you muttered.

"Oohhh burn!"

"S-shut up!"

As you walk behind them, you wondered about your gang. Well, your secret gang. You have no doubt that Mikey will be fine without you if he received and watched the recording you left him.

"Ne Waka-san, Omi-san" you called to them, getting their attention so they would stop bickering. "Where does the gang meet up?" you asked.

"We're actually taking you there right now" Wakasa tells you, "we thought you might wanna check in on them before settling down here." You nod your head in response and continues to follow them.

-few minutes later-

"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"


"Are we the-"


"Jeez, what's up your ass? I'm just asking" you simply said, feigning innocence.

"You- *sigh* Takeomi, how do you deal with this?!" Wakasa asked, turning to the said latter. "Hmm? I have two siblings. You think I'm not used to this? Especially Senju, she can be hella annoying if she wants to. This is just child's play compared to what she can do" Takeomi explained. "Ah. Looks like we're here."

As you all stopped, you focused on the scene in front of you. It was an absolute mess. You turn to the duo, disgusted. "You can't tell me that's the hideout!!! It's fucking filthy!!!" you exclaimed, gesturing towards the abandoned parking lot.

"Welp, it is what it is. What do you expect it to be? The leader of this gang, aka you, was gone for years" Wakasa lazily said, causing you to be annoyed.

"Well then, I guess the vice-president didn't do a good job either at this then huh?" you sneered at the white head. "I thought this was good enough, didn't want to boost their ego that they're in a gang with someone rich" Wakasa said.

"I guess you're right.... Then let's go in" you said, walking towards the opening of the abandoned parking lot.
Flashback end.

After you went in, Wakasa and Takeomi stayed behind to watch, there was an immediate try of a sneak attack. Turning around, you punch the guy in the gut. Ignoring his pain, you kept going, trying to get a view of  the spot.

However, as you walk deeper, more people starts to get aware that someone has passed their 'guard'. Eventually stalking you to the center of the parking lot. "Alright, come the fuck out! I challenge this whole gang to a duel right here, right now!" you yelled.

And it seems everyone abided, for soon, everyone who was present in the parking lot ran towards you. Punches and kicks were thrown left and right, but you were able to dodge them all.

-a little while later-

Just as you finished beating up the last person, Wakasa and Takeomi finally came out of their spot. "Geez... You really went down on them huh?" Takeomi said, as he steps around the laying bodies.

"Ah! Imaushi! Akashi! They can take her down!" someone shouted from the pile of bodies. You turn towards the source of the voice, "are you really sure they're on your side?" you taunted, swinging an arm over the one who was nearer to you, that being Wakasa. "Oi! Hands off! I don't want to be tainted with blood" he said, pushing you off of him. "As if you never got blood on you" you scoffed.

"Huh?" "Why is she being all chummy with them?!" "Leader! Why aren't you attacking?!" shouts of confusion and anger filled the parking lot.

"Maybe because they aren't you're actual leader?" you said with annoyance. "You didn't even both to tell them that you guys were just Vice Presidents?!" you turned to the two male.

"Huh?! What do you mean?!" "Of course they are! We are under their guidance!" "You're talking crazy!"

More and more starts to join in, some throwing nasty words at you. "AHEM!!!" *silence* "I get that you guys are confused, but that's no way to talk to your commander!" Akashi yelled, silencing everyone.

It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

"*sigh* let's get this straight. You're all here because you have something against a notorious gang, correct? And it just so happened to be Phoenix, the strongest one right now" you said, breaking the silence.

"I formed this gang, to specifically go against them. So I suggest those of you who's too scared to get out, cause this will be a fight to the death." Again, silence. But this time, there was shuffling.

"It seems I've hit a core. I will repeat this again, once we fight, there may be death. So those of you who're scared, leave" you said in a commanding voice. And there were a few who started to leave, until one person shouted "WAIT!!!!"

Everyone who was leaving halted, and turned towards the one who had shouted. "How do we know that you're not faking to be our commander?" he questioned.

"Oi, is he stupid?" "Tf is he on about?" "Is he crazy?" People whispered around, all thinking that the guy was nuts for saying that.

"I think you're mista-" "no. How do I know you didn't brainwash the two Black Dragon legends and have them give the position to you?! After all, you are their treasured daughter aren't you?" the guy revealed, earning gasps around the whole parking lot.

You recognized the guy as an old enemy of Phoenix. You gave Wakasa and Takeomi a glance that said 'this guy just wants to use us' look. "Huh?! She's their daughter?!" "Then why is she here?!" "She's gonna kill us!!!" "Fuck! I still have a life to live!" Panic rose throughout the parking lot, thinking that you were gonna eat them out.

"There is no need to panic" you calmly said, "I'm not gonna report you all to that old man." "How can we trust you?!" someone else hollered. You look back to the previous dude who had smirk on his face.

"Well-" "We can testify for that" a voice interrupted.

Happy new year peeps!!! 🥳 This will be my new year present for you all, the very first chapter of season 2 !!!! I know I say this a lot, but thank you for reading this book! I really didn't think my first fanfic would get this much attention!

Also, updates may be slower than before.... but I'm working on it!!! ❤️

 but I'm working on it!!! ❤️

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