Chapter 10- Phoenix

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As you got home with your uniform on, you happen to bumped into Shinichirou and went back together.

"I see you've joined Mikey's gang? The uniform looks surprisingly good on you!" Shinichirou commented. You hummed a thanks.

"That damn squirt.... He beat me to it..." Shinichirou mumbled under his breath. "What do you mean?" you asked. "Well.... me, Takeomi, and Wakasa wanted to have you join so we could keep an eye on you. But it seems like Mikey heard the plan and decided to do it first" he explained. "I see..." you replied.

"Also, I've been meaning to ask you..." Shinichirou hesitantly asked, "but that tattoo on your represents a Phoenix...right?" You stopped in your tracks, 'crap..... crap crap crap crap crap! What do I say!!!'

"I'll take that silence as a yes....." Shinichirou continued. "And from your obvious face of distraught, im gonna go on a guess that it has something to do with that gang, right?" he continued. 'How tf can he be so spot on with this?!' you thought to yourself. Not answering his question, there was a thick tension between you and Shinichirou until you've reached the house, only then did you speak up.

"Since you've got most of it figured out, might as well tell you the full story" you said to him. Shinichirou opened his mouth to say something, but was cut off when you added "I also want Wakasa-san, Takeomi-san, and Mikey-kun to be here when I explain it. I don't wanna repeat myself."

"Got it, I'll call Waka and Omi to see if they can come, and then we'll meet in my shop. Sounds good?" Shinichirou said. You only nod your head wanting to end the conversation.

"But are you sure about Mikey?" Shinichirou questioned. "He technically is my captain since I joined his gang. Not to mention you two were the ones that promised to keep me safe. So it's only natural he knows as well" you explained.

"I see..." with that, the both of you quietly walked back to the Sano house.

A few hours later, and you had changed, you and Shinichirou, along with Mikey, made your way to his shop. There, you met up with Wakasa and Takeomi.

"What's up fox girl" Wakasa greeted with his grin. "Good evening to you too Wakasa-san, Taleomi-san" you replied.

"What's with the formalities?" Takeomi questioned. "We are here to talk about an important matter, are we not?" you answered with a question.

"True" Takeomi said. "Then let's start" you quickly said, wanting this to be over.

"Shin-nii, why is n/n so tense?" Mikey whispered to Shinichirou, not aware that you could hear him. "You'll know soon" Shinichirou replied.

As they all settle down you were contemplating where you should start, 'should I start with my name? Or should I explain the gang? Or the tattoo?' you thought over and over again. Shinichirou noticed this and cut in your train of thoughts, "you can start where ever you feel comfortable, don't think you have to share with us everything. Just the ones you're comfortable with."

This reassured you as you calmed down, "alright then, I guess I should start with my full name. My full name is L/n Y/n, daughter of L/n F/n and L/n M/n."

"Isn't that a super rich family?" Takeomi asked. "It is" you answered bitterly. "Sorry, please continue" he said, sensing your discomfort.

"Though we were rich, it wasn't anything glorious. Our family created a gang, 'The Phoenix', as a representation that we'll never die" you continued. "What does this have to do with anything?" Wakasa asked while Shinichirou stayed quiet. He was slowly piecing the pieces of the puzzle together.

"'Phoenix' was not a normal gang, they specialize in drugs, fights, and prostitutes. Basically anything illegal that'll earn them money" you answered. There was silence as they tried to process what you had just said, but your attention went to Mikey as he had been quiet this whole time.

"Mikey" you started, "are you ok?" "Huh? Oh yeah, it's just.... Why are you telling me this?" he questioned. "You are my captain, right? Besides, I don't want to keep a secret against my own captain and friend" you calmly replied.

Mikey's eyes soften at your works, he was happy that you were able to trust him so much even if you've only met and known him for a week.

"Now back to the topic" you said, snapping everyone out of their thought. "The reason why I'm telling you this is because it'll help me explain the next part, which is how I got my ears and tails" you finished.

"Your what?!" Mikey exclaimed.

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