Chapter 20 || stop, hes gone.

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"Now you gotta go get some rest, dude," Dream said, in a much sterner tone than before.
"Okay... mom," Sapnap replied, a goofy grin appearing on his face, closer to the end of his sentence.
Dream just rolled his eyes and smiled as he joked, "You're so dumb."

POV [ Tubbo + Ranboo ]

After their... interesting encounter with Dream, Ranboo had become noticeably quiet.
I mean, don't get me wrong- Ranboo is quite the quiet guy in general, however, this was quiet.. even for him.
"Ranboo?" Tubbo asked. no answer.
"Dude, what's wrong??" Tubbo said, voice increasing with worry as they entered their shared dorm room, with still not even a peep coming from the other.
Ranboo just gave a nonchalant shrug as he took a seat, down at his desk. "Nothing, I'm just.. tired is all"

Tubbo stared his friend down suspiciously before questioning again.
"We both know that's not true, you're always quiet.. but not this quiet" he stepped closer to Ranboo, about to place a hand on his friends shoulder to provide some reassurance.

"NOTHING!-" Ranboo spun around out of his chair and slapped Tubbos hand away, quickly regaining his composure and giving Tubbo an apologetic look.
"... sorry, I'm just.. just really stressed-"
Ranboo gave out a loud sigh before rubbing a hand over his face with frustration.
Tubbo gave him a similar apologetic look, before raising his face into a small, unsure smile.
"Hey, it's alright.. erm, what's up?"

"I-it's just.. just, I don't think we can trust that Dream guy" he paused, down to his friends eyes, they were full of questions.
"I know he's friends with Sapnap but... he's just, I get a bad vibe from the guy.. he's just.. not right"
Tubbos face contorted into an unreadable look,
"What?, what are you saying..?" He questioned.
"I'm saying-" Ranboo paused. "Well- what I'm saying is that I don't think we should.. we'll y'know involve ourselves in the investigation."

Tubbo took a step back, the look of shock washed over his face.
"W-what...?" He questioned again, much more weaker than before.
"Tubbo.. Tommy, we need to let him rest. If we involve ourselves in this investigation, we're just setting ourselves up for disappointment."
He gave Tubbo a sympathetic look, "look.. I just don't want you to get your hopes up and then get disappointed again."

POV [ Techno ]

After that, well- awkward to say the least situation he just managed to escaped from, Techno stormed around the manors many hallways.
Techno gave out a loud sigh, "where the hell could that kid even be" he muttered out, before taking a sharp right to Tommys room.

However, the blonde was no where to be found, much to the pinkettes displeasure.

His room? Nope-
The garden? Nope-
Literally any of the other damn rooms? Nope-

Frustration rapidly grew with the pink, quite clearly too as his stomps on the floor grew in intensity. Threatening the floor boards to give way.
That wasn't the only thing that grew in intensity, however, it was also the 'voices'.

Technoblade had these voices as far back as he can remember, they probably showed up around the first 2-3 years of his turning, and have bothered him ever since.
He rubbed his temples, hands full of irritation.
They were getting louder, stringing together random words into meaningless sentences he didn't understand.
"Damn can't you guys actually help for once"
He grumbled out, letting out another extended sigh, just before turning down another corner.
He was incredibly tempted to just to resort to smacking his head across the wall to put himself into a concussion to stop them, however, he quickly thought himself out of that decision as fast as it had came up.. fortunately.

And then it clicked, that's it!
"Wait, the library-" he took a quick halt at the library's large doors, pushing one of them aside with ease, it letting out a small creak in return.
After stepping inside it wasn't long before Techno managed to find the blonde sulking in one of the corners of the room, head pressed into his knees with his own arms wrapped around himself. Quite like a child after throwing a tantrum-, Techno joked to himself.

"Theseus-?" Techno grunted out, silently cursing himself as the blonde quickly cocked his head up, seeming somewhat startled.
"Ah- .. sorry" Techno half heartedly apologised, before taking a seat next to the vampling who shot him a confused look.
"..hey" Tommy said before quickly looked away from the pink.
Techno took this as his next chance to initiate a conversation, because by Christ Tommy definitely isn't starting it.

*god letting the anti- social guy start a conversation aye-* Techno thought to himself, rolling his eyes at the thought.
"Wilburs a-" He stopped, trying to think of the correct word.
"Prick-?" Tommy butted in, causing the two to laugh together.
"I guess you could say that-" Techno added, giving out a small smile. So small infact that if you weren't paying attention, you might just have missed it.
That sure as hell surprised the blonde, he never thought Techno was even capable of showing an emotion, let alone smiling. He'll definitely have to tease him  later on about this. Smiling just at the thought.

"Wilburs just, well he moves fast with things. Annndd mixed with the fact that he's just a plain old idiot, let's just say it doesn't help him." Techno carried on.
"He was the same with me and Phil the first time we met, think he called Phil 'Dad' within the first hour of meeting him- definitely threw Phil off" the two chuckled at that.
"Don't tell Wilbur I said that he'll kill me... or well, at least try two"
That only causing the blonde to laugh louder.

After the laughter died down, Tommy looked up to Techno, ready to ask a question.
"Wilbur told Quackity that you'ld help because, well there's a couple problems within the council to say the least."
Tommy was taken aback by the fact Technoblade immediately knew what he was going to ask.
"How'd you know what I was about to say??-"
Tommy questioned the vampire in front of him, confused.
"Simple, you're like an open book, your face is so readable it's almost concerning" The pinkette lightly chuckled at Tommys offended looks.
"I-IM NOT, YOU BITCH!-" He shouted before crossing his arms around and facing away from Techno.
"But err.. what do you mean by problems in the council..?" He nonchalantly continued.

Techno let out a sigh, confused at the blondes rapidly changing emotions, however, he still decided it was best to answer his question before he had to deal with another temper tantrum.
"The council is basically what controls vampires, basically so none of us kill out an entire village randomly-
However, what's bad is recently hunters have slowly been increasing in number and putting our kind at risk. Wilbur said that because he knows how desperate the council are at finding vampires willing to fight."

"And what-? You want me to go against everything I grew up with, just to help you bloodsuckers" Tommy said, giving Techno an angry look.
"Calm down, remember Theseus you're technically one of us now too-." Techno pointed out, much to the others displeasure.
Tommy backed down, crossing his arms again and rolling his eyes at the pink.
"Don't remind me-" he huffed out.

"Listen-" he caught Tommys attention.
"I was going to ask you of this later on, however, I think it'll help you settle in. Phils one of the head councils members so we'll be going on a trip there soon, you wanna join us?"

Tommy looked slightly surprised at the offer, but he didn't try to show it.
".. Maybe"

Word count- 1357
Yoo hope you enjoyed this chapter, I've got a suprise fic for all you guys that actually read the authors notes lol-
I'll be creating another fic pretty soon, the chapter for it will be coming out on Monday so be ready for that! Alls I'm going to disclose is that it'll be another Tommy centric fic and will mainly focus on bedrock bros.

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