Chapter 7 || found you

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Sure if was weird that the wolf was following him home but he just let it slide, as it was common for people to own wolves here so he brushed it off as someone's pet.

"Found you"
TW/CW- talk of violence

Pov [Tommys]

The candle danced against the wind as Tommy had sat at his table, ready to read the book Dream had given him.

The pages were bathed in the golden light, the blonde started flicking through the pages realising this book was a lot worse for ware.
It's pages, some ripped out completely whilst some where half ripped out to an extent that of you were lucky you could tell what the words had said.

His hands flicked through the heavily damaged pages until he found one that seemed to interest him.

What seemed even odder is that the book had seemingly been mostly handwritten, rushed scribbled writing filled the pages, instead of what Tommy was used to seeing.
That being the neatly typed out letters of a typewriter.

A vampires diet consists of human blood, this is a well known fact of course and is the reason as to why humans hunt vampires. This is because once a humans has been turned their physical traits alter too, this in some cases can be instantly or days after a human has been infected.

Although though vampires require human blood they can also consume animal blood, however it-

The page ends there, ink was splattered along the rest of the paragraph however it was enough for Tommy.

"YES PERFECT" Tommy shouted before quieting down as it was late at night.

He was ecstatic that he has found, finally a substitute for blood, he wouldn't have to kill any more people, he wouldn't become one of them monsters. Them heartless blood suckers.


Pov [Techno, Wilbur, Phil]

Are you sure that was the one who did them murders? Phil questioned looking over at his eldest son.

*"Found you"*

"I'm sure, he looked like a newly turned so probably just careless enough to leave body's put in the open" the pink haired let out in his signature monotone voice.

"Aww come on techno, give the kid a little more credit I mean if we did get the right guy he killed a vampire, a strong one at that" Wilbur mentioned setting down his guitar and walked over to the other two.

"Whatever" the pink rolled his eyes at his brother "I'll get my weapons ready, no saying how strong he actually is" walking off to the family's armoury.


"Hm?" The brunette turned to face his father only to be met with the blondes famously warm smile.

"Make sure your brother doesn't go too out of line, you know how he is when it comes to any sort of fighting" letting out a small chuckle.

"Sure Phil"


After thinking about the information that he had just read, he was extremely happy not to mention relived. He wouldn't have to drink from a human again.

However, his thoughts were interrupted when the candle began to violently flicker, even when Tommy tried blowing out the flame the fire just grew.

Panic overcame the young as he then heard loud knocking surrounding him until,

It stopped?

Silence overcame the room once again, well until there was clawing at the door-
Reluctantly Tommy approached the door, his hands shaking as he reached for the door handle.
Before his anxiety could get the better of him he shot open the door-

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