Chapter 15 || dark thoughts

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"How are Ranboo and Tubbo"

Jacks eyes met the vamplings eyes as he struggled out a sentence.

"They think you're dead"
TW/CW- intrusive thoughts, talk of violence

Pov [ Tommy ]

Looking out of the stained glass window he sat there looking across the deep forest that surround the manor completely.
A sullen look dawned across his face, he had tried getting his mind off things for the past couple days however nothing worked.

Jacks words did nothing but echo throughout his mind, constantly haunting and tormenting him putting Tommy in a constant state of misery.

"They think you're dead"

When Tommy had first heard those words it broke his heart, he doesn't think anything had hurt him this badly before. The guilt of the entire situation had flooded throughout his body so much so he didn't think he'd ever get rid of the overwhelming feeling.

Getting lost in his thoughts he didn't realise the figure walking up behind him, getting closer to him.


"Hey there Tommy" the figure placed a hand on the blondes shoulder causing him to quickly spin his head around eyes meeting that of the figures.

"Oh hey there, didn't mean to scare you haha" the figure turned out to be none other than Wilbur, he quickly took his hand off Tommys shoulder and brought his hands up in defence flashing the younger a small unsure smile.

"It's uh, it's alright" Tommy had said giving Wilbur the same small smile before turning around again to look out the window.
Wilbur noticed something wrong so he took this as a chance to speak up.
"Is everything okay?"
He had taken a seat next to Tommy looking towards him with a kind, sincere smile.

"Oh, yeah I'm fine, just tired big man haha"
Flashing a forced smile before trying to hide his face from the vampire using his sleeve.

"Yeah that might fool techno but that's because he's emotionally brain dead, but unfortunately for you it won't fool me" Wilbur gently grabbed Tommys arm and took it away from his face deciding to carry on his sentence. "So what's up?" Trying to sound as gentle and comforting as humanly possible as to not scare the blonde into not saying anything at all.

After a few minutes of silence the blonde decided he could perhaps, just maybe trust Wilbur enough, well to an extent of telling him how he feels.
he didn't know how to explain it but his aura was somewhat comforting. He knew he could trust Wilbur even if it was only a small amount to begin with.
"We'll it's just" he paused for a moment before carrying on "I just feel awful about leaving Tubbo and Ranboo, I mean they were my best friends and I just.. i just abandoned them" he said chocking back a sob.

When he was finished Wilbur gave him a sympathetic look, he truly felt bad for the kid. I mean unlike him and his brother Tommy had never wanted to be a vampire, he wasn't given the choice.
Wilbur may not know how it feels to be turned against his will however, he did know how it felt when something large affects your life with it being completely out of your hands.

Without another minute to think Wilbur blurted out a rushed sentence.
"I mean, well I wouldn't go as far to say you abandoned them"
Tommy looked up to Wilbur with a questioning look "what do you mea-"
However before Tommy could finish Wilbur butted in.
"You didn't leave them by choice, it was out of your hands. You had to in order to protect them"

Tommys opened wide in realisation for a second before regaining his previous demeanour.
"I guess you're right, I still feel fuckin' bad about it though" coming off much harsher sounding than meaning to.
Wilbur let out a small chuckle "hm yeah I guess so-" he was cut off by the blonde who shouted a "oi what you laughing at prick" in a more lighthearted tone than before.

Giving an offended look towards him Wilbur carried on.
"But think, what happens if  Techno didn't find you, what if he was too late?" The question wasn't really much of a question, more so a statement to make the vampling take a second to think about the consequences of Techno was in fact not there.
there was a short pause before he carried on.
"What would happen if it wasn't campers in a forest but in fact both of your friends"

Tommy processed the thought Wilbur had just planted inside his mind and it terrified him.
He would never, and I mean never forgive himself if he had put either of his friends in danger like that.
He looked down feeling sadness and even a small amount of shame for the fact that his little stunt of refusing to drink human blood could have put not only other people in danger but also his best friends lives at risk.

At the time he couldn't think of all the consequences of situation, most likely thanks to the blood mania he was being dragged through however, now that his mind was much clearer he could now see just how much danger he had put everyone in.

Nothing else was said between the two, alls Tommy could do was look down holding back tears losing himself in his own dark thoughts.

Once again Wilbur dragged Tommy out of them with "hey let's go somewhere to cheer you up" in a much less serious tone than he was bearing before.
Gaining Tommys attention the blonde looked up towards Wilbur, who was now starting to stand back up from the windows seat waiting from Tommys answer.

Tommy felt a warm aura emitting from the brunette, his offer was tempting to say the least however, he still didn't know wether to trust the offer. I mean this is the same guy who literally broke into his home, who knew what the 3 vampires intentions was with bringing him here.
So instead he replied quietly "I don't know if I'm in the mood" his tone still quite dull even after all of Wilbur's attempts to cheer him back up.

Wilbur replied almost instantly, almost asif he already knew Tommys answer before he had even asked the question.
"nonsense there's no need to mope around"
He said in a lighthearted tone before taking ahold of Tommys arm dragging him to wherever"

This took the blonde by surprise meaning he couldn't fight back from Wilburs grip.
So alls he could do was shout meaningless threats at the brunette.
However it was to no avail, so after probably the around 20th threat the blonde decided to give up, for now at least.

Words- 1189
had to do a faster update this week been kinda busy.
I may or may have not written half of this chapter in my business class the things I do for a Wattpad fic lmao
Anyways I'll be updating the cover fic pretty soon so stay tuned for that hope you enjoy this new one

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