Chapter 17 || investigation time

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Wilbur smiled "now, how about another song"
Tommys eyes lit up once again as he jumped up and down in excitement.
"Yesss, can you play another one but like different from before also this doesn't change the fact that you're still a wrongun practically kidnapping me to this garden"

And the music began again.

Pov [Tubbo]

It had officially been 2 weeks since both Tubbo and Ranboo had been informed about Tommys death, and let's just say the news hadn't gotten any better.
The news still felt new and untrue to Tubbo, constantly he expected the blonde to pop around a corner and give him his classic cheesy smile as he would usually do before greeting his friends.

Sapnaps words still flung around his brain, haunting Tubbo throughout both night and day. It was quiet frankly exhausting especially when the teen still had to catch up on school work, I mean if he wanted to avenge Tommys death he would have to put his head down in school in order to become a Hunter as soon as possible.

Something however, didn't seem to make sense to the teen, weeks before Tommy had disappeared he was acting.... Strangely.
He didn't know how to explain it but it seemed like Tommy had known something that Tubbo hadn't.

He had told Ranboo about this.


"Ranboo, please help me look into this. It can't be over for Tommy, he can't be dead" Tubbo practically screamed the sentence out in the twos shared dorm.
He was throwing missing reports around the room in dismay, as his eyes started tearing up up once again.

"TUBBO" Ranboo shouted back to get the youngers attention, it was an unfamiliar tone Tubbo wasn't used to causing him to freeze in place.

Ranboo took this silence as an opportunity to speak. "I know you were much closer to him than I was but please. You need to stop this false sense of  hope, Tubbo he's gone"
Tubbo had dropped to the floor in tears this caused Ranboo to run up to the sobbing teen and wrap his arms around the other.

"I know it's hard to accept but he would want both of us to not ponder on his death, he'd want both of us to keep a smile on our faces and hold our heads up high whilst carry on our studies, so we can become the best hunters around and kill whatever vampire caused his death"

The brunette had looked up to him, tears still escaping from his eyes.
"You're right Ranboo"


Unfortunately his 'talk' about it with Ranboo hadn't gone too well, he hated to admit it but he was right.
He couldn't carry on with the false sense of hope, it would end up eating him alive.

"Hey Tubbo you alright?" Ranboo asked with a face full of worry. The sudden break of silence surprised Tubbo causing him to take a step back.

Ah that's right- he was back in the hallway on the way to class with Ranboo. He felt silly and slightly embarrassed that he got himself so lost in thought that he completely forgot where he was, remembering what his friend had asked he turned around facing him.

"Oh yeah! Sorry bossman was lost in my own thoughts again" he let out a strained laugh rubbing the back of his neck as he gave Ranboo a small smile.

Ranboo looks very unconvinced by Tubbos fake happy demeanour and instead repeated the question.
"You sure you're alright? You've been spacing out a lot recently" passing yet another worried glance towards Tubbo.

Before Tubbo could answer however, there was a shout from behind the pair.
"HEY YOU" the voice was unfamiliar but Tubbo felt something in his gut that the shout was directed towards him so he swivelled around on the spot.

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