Chapter 8 || help?

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His eyes grew wide when he realised what the Vampire had said

"Join us"

TW/CW- talk of violence, death of animals, talk of blood

Pov [Tommy]

The words the eldest vampire said had rung through his ears with an echo, join them? Surely not- why would one of the most vampire families want him to join them.

He slapped Phils open hand away from him

"I don't need your help prick, I'm perfectly fine by myself" fear still lingering in his voice yet he tried to hide it the best he could.

The pink spoke up in his monotone voice "mhm, and that's exactly why we could find your traces so fast"
Tommy brought his head down and stayed silent so techno continued.
"I can tell from those bandages that you're clearly hurt, not to mention you're away from your sire.- you clearly need our help"

Tommy quickly turned around to face the man speaking, thankful that the sword was no longer pointing at his back.
"I don't need your help pink fuck"

As soon as Tommy has said that there was a slight laughter that filled the room, when everyone had turned to see the source of the noise it only caused Wilbur to laugh even louder-


After watching the two completely forget about him too preoccupied with fighting eachother (which was just Wilbur laughing at anything Techno said [apparently he has a very scuffed sense of humour]) all Tommy was thinking whilst watching them was
*oh my god, they're actually insane- is this what happens when you're alive for too long, you just lose your mind or something-*

Bringing him out of his thoughts Phil started talking "eh, sorry about them, they're brothers so they act like this a lot" he gave Tommy a reassuring smile before getting caught off by Tommys question.

"You're not gonna go insane of me right, you're pretty old-"

Phil looked at the kids face looking for a hint to tell him he was messing around to piss him off but to his surprise the kid was completely serious.
"Mate what- uh no? also I'm not that old-"

Before he could even start to ask bout the questioning look plastered on Tommys face he decided to just take out the card hidden inside pocket and handed it to Tommy.

"Here on this card is an address, come to this address when you've decided you want help, you won't be able to survive on your own especially without a sire"

Before Tommy could even say anything Phil brought his attention to his sons as they had gotten worriedly quiet.

Techno was now sat at Tommys table seemingly reading one of the books whilst a seemingly lifeless Wilbur spread across the floor
"Yeah mates that's enough, Wilbur get up you're not fooling anyone you're not dead"

After everyone left Tommy looked at the card before throwing it on the side of his table which now was no longer as organised as it once was thanks to techno looking through his stuff.
"Fuck you pink bitch"

{2 weeks after}

Pov [it's still Tommy who would have thought]

after the weeks has passed Tommy had been using the information the book had given him and it had seemingly worked!

He had been taking walks to the forest just outside of the village just to hunt for small animals to take blood from, nothing too big so the civilians wouldn't notice.

He could do this most days of the week thanks to his nightly patrols, he now actually thanked the fact he was left alone during these patrols as he never would have been able to do this with Niki and Jack around.

There had also been changes to Tommy that he had noticed, one of his eyes had gotten into a brighter orange which also allowed him to see quite well in the dark however his other eye had saved his original blue colour allowing him to still go out in day and pose as a human.

However he knew Ranboo and Tubbo where getting suspicious, I mean who walks around with a black eye for 2 weeks-
He would have to find himself  a new excuse or a better way to hide it.

Another problem he had started encountering around a week ago was the appearance of large fangs which even slightly stuck out even when his mouth was closed.

He knew if he went out during the day he would be immediately spotted out so one day he made the decision to file them down to a point where they were considerably large for a human however he could still pass off as one.

The same thing had happened with his nails, they had gotten a lot sharper and denser so they were hard to break, Tommy knew he would have to be a lot more careful especially around his friends or he may have accidentally cut them with nothing but his hands, which would have been a dead give away that he was no longer human, or well at least fully human. Not anymore.

The only problem was even with filing down his fangs and claws as to not accidentally hurt anyone, every time he drank blood they would re grow causing Tommy to need to file them back down.

To say Tommy was getting sick of it was an understatement, every time he decided to file them down if caused an excruciating pain, all of this to pass of as a human? How long would he have to do this for? Could he do this forever?

Tommy looked over to his table to where the card that Phil had given him. He did consider it abit before pulling himself away from the card, his pride got in the way of him asking for help, especially from a vampire so he continued on.


another week had passed and Tommy hadn't gone into class for this time, he was really putting off going in.
One because he really didn't want to go through the pain of filing his teeth down only for them to grow back later on in the day.
And secondly because he was terrified, he was scared his new immense thirst for blood would drive him to attack one of his class mates.

Recently the small animals had no longer been able to fulfil his growing thirst for blood, he had started going for the larger animals no longer thinking about the civilians finding it strange that there was deer littered around the forest drained head to toe of their blood.

This night Tommy had drank from multiple deer, he had drained them completely dry and yet, his immense thirst for blood was still no longer quenched.

He needed more, more blood.

Word count- 1144
hope you enjoyed this chapter it definitely did not come out late-
anyways stay tuned for the next chapter I may be thinking of uploading a Christmas edition chapter with art too so look out for that.

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