Chapter 19 || Sleep dude

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"Is Tommy in dang-?" He was cut off
"Wilbur" phil glared over to the brunette
"Drop it" voice once again laced with a poison so powerful that it had gotten a dissatisfied Wilbur to cross his arms in a huff.

Phil gave a similar look to Quackity.
"So what was the other reason you came?"


Pov- [ Phil, Wilbur, Quackity ]

Quackity was taken aback by Phil's sudden line of questioning.
"T-the other reason?"
He started to shake slightly, in fear, under the elder vampire's glare.
"I'm not stupid, Quackity."
Phil managed to somehow strengthen his already deathly glare.
"I've been part of the council for centuries, I know when they want something".
Quackity continued to slightly shake at the other's tone. Even though it was the coven leader of his good friend, he knew what the blonde was capable of if you were to get on his bad side.

"R-right, well there seems to be a rise in hunters recently and well-"
He paused and looked around the room- Phil's gaze didn't seem to back down, so he carried on.
"Well- they sent me here to see if this vampire's capable of, well, helping us?"
He met Phil's eyes, which didn't budge. "Possibly?" Quackity said, pushing himself further and further into the armchair with an unmistakably nervous look plastered across his face.

However, before either of the other vampires could answer, a new voice echoed through the room.
"No, never!"
All three of them turned around, surprised, wanting to find the source of the voice. Their eyes widened when they saw who it belonged to.
It was Tommy- well, a much more angry one that the family hadn't witnessed prior to this.

"Guess we came at the wrong time, ay?" Techno joked, attempting to lighten the mood inside the room, but, alas, it didn't work.
Tommy just carried on.
"There's no way in Hell that I would help you fucking bloodsuckers, your kind is what got me into this mess to begin with. You pricks," he snarled, mainly targeting Quackity, who had a look of pure shock on his face.

"Damn, Wilbur, you didn't mention that he hated vampires this much."
"Wait... what?" Phil questioned, looking around to Wilbur, who had an 'oh fuck' look ironed deeply onto his face.
Wilbur brought his hands up in surrender.
"I, uhh, maybe, might have... sorta told Quackity over here... that Tommy would probably be willing to join the cause? Haha."
Wilbur let out an awkward laugh.

"...You did WHAT?" both Phil and Tommy said in sync, staring Wilbur down in pure disbelief.
Before Phil could speak up, however, Tommy beat him to it.
"YOU, YOU FUCKER, FUCK YOU PRICK!" he shouted, storming out of the room, leaving the group- who was still somewhat surprised at the information Wilbur had just shared.
Breaking the silence, Techno spoke up.
"I like the kid better when he keeps his mouth shut, heh."
The trio of vampires looked towards the pinkette with a 'really?' look shared amongst their faces.
"Whaaaat?" Techno replied, drawing out the middle of the word.
The group just stared at him in disbelief, as the silence hung thick around the room.
Techno let out a sigh.
"Fine, I'll go see how he is."
He kept muttering out as he left to follow to wherever Tommy had stormed out to.

POV [Sapnap]

Downing the last of his coffee, he looked towards the papers he needed to sign off, and let out a deep sigh.
Sapnap was tired. He hadn't gotten a moment to rest for the past week.
Sure, being a high rank in the Order was a rewarding job, but it was also incredibly tiring work. I mean, who would have thought that there would be so much damn paperwork?

Not only that, but he also had a case to look over- Tommy's, to be specific.
Sure, the Order had given up strangely fast on his case. However, Sapnap couldn't bring himself to stop investigating it. Not after he saw the look of pure dread and sadness that Tubbo and Ranboo's faces had shared that night.
How they had desperately called out to Sapnap after sprinting halfway across town, trying to find help, and- God, the deep look of loss in Tubbo's eyes.
It reminded Sapnap of how he and Dream felt when they discovered the disappearance of their own friend, George.

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