Chapter 18 || art of war

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Phil looked back at the two and let out a sigh, out of everyone why did they have to send one of Wilburs friends to come investigate.
"And after all these decades you two still manage to act like children" letting out a laugh causing the pair to also let out a small chuckle before entering the living room.

This was going to be an interesting investigation wasn't it? Quackity thought to himself.

Pov [Tommy]

The dim gleam of moonlight seeped through the luxurious red curtains. Although the light given out from the moon was very little, it was enough for Tommy.
He was currently sat down at the desk inside a bedroom the family had so graciously gifted him when he first arrived. Tapping his fingers across the hardwood he tried to figure out what to do in order to cure his immense amount boredom.
Turns out spending your time in a ridiculously big house, unable to leave, alongside a family who were at least a begillion years old was pretty boring.

The blonde within a week had managed to search every corner of the house, leaving no room un searched, well to the best of his knowledge.
And the outside, well truth be told the only time Tommy had remotely been let outside was a week back with one of the covens members, Wilbur.
It wasn't that they prohibited him to leave the manors grounds, more so they highly un-recommended it, something about "might attack a human" and " hunters will be fucking pricks and try to attack you" and a lot of "mate" embedded within half the sentences. Or well, that's  how Tommy remembered Phil precautions as.

So instead, he decided against going outside and let out a sigh as he flicked through the pages of a book he sourced from the families library.
The title " art of war " was written in fancy, golden text, again highlighting the family's riches y'know asif the manor itself wasn't a clear sign of that.
"Capitalistic fucks" he mumbled, slowly starting to read through each page gaining more and more interest in the books contents.
Although, he would never admit that to Techno, who was the one who recommended him the book after he saw the blonde struggling to pick through the endless shelves of them inside the library.

It was nice, somewhat the first opportunity the vampling had alone to relax. Everything now in his life had become so hectic recently, so it was pretty good to get a quick breather once in a while.
He smiled to himself as he turned the next page, he was so engrossed in the book though, that he hadn't noticed the knocks banging on the door.
After a minute of this the person behind the door got impatient and just decided to open it up.
"Theseus are you going deaf, I've been knocking-" he cut himself off, replacing his slightly annoyed expression with something closer to surprise. As he had in-fact walked in on the blonde reading a book he had recommended to him a couple nights ago, and with quite some interest too.

"Enjoying the book aye?" Techno said, stopping himself from adding a chuckle to the end of his sentence.
Tommys eyes shot up towards the source of the sound, his eyes widened when he realised who it was.
Then deciding to close the book, silently cursing to himself as he would have to find the page he left off at later on as he threw it to the side of his desk.
"It's alright I guess" looking down slightly embarrassed.
Techno couldn't hold his laugh any longer, he let out a small laugh as the look of the embarrassed blonde.
"Prick" tommy mumbled out, slumping into his chair even further wishing the ground would just swallow him up at this point.

"So why'd you come barging all up in here anyways technobitch" Tommy said, attempting to change the subject.
"For your information I did knock" a small, smug smile crept upon the pinks face as he carried on. "But you were too interested in my book to realise" ending with another chuckle.
Tommys face twitched with annoyance at Technos words.
"Yeah yeah I get it prick"
However, Tommys words just fell on deaths door because it only caused Techno to laugh even more.
"Oh look at me I'm TechnoBITCH, you're just stood here like a big PUSS-
tuh-hesues, me and tuh-heseus- I read one Greek book when I was 8 and now I think I'm tuh-SHIT"

Pov [ quackity + Phil + Wilbur ]

"Here you two sit down here I'll go get some tea for us" Phil said before disappearing out of the  living room door.
Wilbur took this as an opportunity to start a conversation." So what have you been up to, it's been give or take 8 years since we've last spoke"
A smile crept up on Quackitys face as he slumped back in the arm chair, "y'know a bit of this and that, mainly sweeping things under the rug so hunters don't get on our ass"

"Damn, sounds boring as fuck, how does it feel being the councils lap dog" letting out a small laugh at his own joke.
Quackitys face fell to one of displeasure "tu eres una pequeña perra Wilbur" laughing at his own words more so because of his friends confused look.
"Wait... what did you say?" Wilbur sat forward in his chair awaiting an answer. That was until something broke the sound of Quackitys laughs.

"Yup, got to agree with you quackity" Phil was stood behind the two with a tray of presumably blood tea. However, that's not what caught Wilburs attention. It was the fact that Phil was agreeing with whatever quackity had said.

"Oh Phil, not you too" Wilbur slumped back into his chair with an unimpressed look plastered across his face, very different from the smug one he usually wears.
"Don't give us that look mate" Phil said in a light hearted tone before passing Wilbur a cup of the tea.
He did the same with Quackity who nodded as a silent thanks and then sat down in his own chair taking a sip of his tea before starting to talk once again.

"So what do you need to know quackity"
He glanced over towards the vampire who shot up at the sudden question.
"Oh right-" quackity spit out picking up his clip board and shuffling the pages.
"Basically the council sent me here to, well keep you in check"
"So what you're saying is the council sent you here to see if I was building an army to overtake them" phils words had been laced with a poison, an unfamiliar tone that quackity hadn't heard from the elder, not very often at least.
He glanced towards quackity who looked shocked "err, well yeah I guess that's one way to put it" letting out a small, awkward chuckle trying to split the attention as he rubbed the back of his head with his hand.

"If the council is worried about that, tell them not to bother" Phil said in a much more light hearted tone than before, putting Quackity at ease.
"Why's that" the other questioned, pressing the blonde for more information.
"He's not ours" Phil looked over to quackity who had an even deeper look of confusion so he carried on.
"He's not ours, by blood anyways, the gremlin child was turned by some low tier who didn't know how to control their venom. I'm guessing Tommy was turned accidentally by a mix of the loss of human blood due to his wounds and the vampire venom that was now inside his blood stream. The venom must have started attacking his red blood cells causing him to be turned"

Quackity was shocked, he hadn't heard of such a rare situation occurring for a while now.
"Damn poor kid" he replied with, dipping his quill into the ink to scribble down the new information.
"Mhm you don't say mate" Phil took a sip of tea and leaned back awaiting Quackitys next question.
"Wait.." Quackity stopped himself mid sentence as he looked up "if he was accidentally turned, he doesn't have a sire, isn't that kinda dangerous?"

Phil looked up, it was apparently his time to be surprised too, he hadn't expected this question from him.
Before Phil could answer however, Wilbur spoke up. "Wait dangerous? How so" he had a look of worry spread across him face. He was truly worried for the blonde, yes they had only known each other for a little over a week. And yet the boy had managed to grow on him, he couldn't bare to risk Tommy in danger, even if he was a little gremlin child.

Just as Quackity had opened his mouth to answer his friend Phil interrupted. "We'll address it, if it becomes a problem"
Wilbur looked towards Phil wondering why they couldn't just tell him "Is Tommy in dang-?" He was cut off
"Wilbur" phil glared over to the brunette
"Drop it" voice once again laced with a poison so powerful that it had gotten a dissatisfied Wilbur to cross his arms in a huff.

Phil gave a similar look to Quackity.
"So what was the other reason you came?"

Words- 1574
hope you enjoyed this chapter, im glad my Spanish lessons I took for 5 years finally came to something useful during literally one line of this fic

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