Chapter 16 || Alliums

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This took the blonde by surprise meaning he
couldn't fight back from Wilburs grip.
So alls he could do was shout meaningless
threats at the brunette.
However it was to no avail, so after probably
the around 20th threat the blonde decided to
give up, for now at least.

TW/CW- consumption of blood

Pov [ Techno + Phil]

The two were sat in the living room conversing over their lavish meal consisting of well, blood.
Interrupting the twos peaceful night was the shouts of a rather unruly teen.
This resulting in a small laugh being let out by Phil, this being continued by Technoblade.

"Looks like someone's quite lively, even for this early into the night" Techno commented, he then splayed himself across the sofa in order to get into a more comfortable position.
"I wonder what Wilbur wants with him" he continued by taking a sip from the glass which was cupped into his hand allowing the viscous red liquid pour down his throat.
"You think we should check on them? Wilbur can get..." he paused trying to look for the best word to use "overbearing?"
He put his attention back onto Phil who was sat across from him in a similar armchair.

"They'll be fine, we'll check up on the two later Wilbur said something about wanting to spend time with the kid so god knows what he's doing to him"
The blonde answered with a small, unsure smile which had spread across his face.
Phil looked down to his own cup, his hands tightly gripped around it loosing himself to his own thoughts.

This clear display of  lack of surety was obvious, even to a man as emotionally oblivious as Techno.
Unsure on how to ask his father what was wrong he decided to ramble out a joke instead.
"Y'know you don't have a grip your cup so hard, y'meals not going to run away"
Letting out an awkward laugh before looking back towards his glass he continued on.
"Although when I was getting this meal probably should have done that, the guy did try and escape quite a bit-" giving out a much more forced laugh than before silently cringing at himself for the awful 'joke' he attempted to make.

He looked back at Phil who had a *what the fuck* plastered across his face, deciding to try and change the topic Techno tried a much more straight forward approach.
"Look, I've traveled with your for decades I know that look of yours when somethings wrong"

Phils face diffused into a smile.
"You know me well Techno" adding his own joke to the end "bit creepy and stalkerish there mate" letting out a chuckle.
This only caused a quiet scoff from the pink, "but you're right, it's uh a couple things"
Looking up to meet Technos eyes who silently questioned the blonde. Taking a sip of his own drink he carried on.
"Firstly the councils been on my ass about this 'new vampire' that has gone into my care, that obviously being Tommy. Apparently they are going to send someone here to inspect"

"WHAT??"  Techno chocked coughing out whatever liquid had gotten stuck in his throat.
"I don't like the thought of other vampires on our territory, what happens if they
.. do something"

Phil gave out a sigh "I know you don't like the thought but my hands are tied, plus they've already sent someone to come"
Techno let out a grumble, however he did understand why Phil had to do what he did.
If he hadn't accepted the inspection the council most likely would have branded them as traitors and god knows what can of worms that would have opened up to.

"That brings me onto my second point"
Technos ears perked up at this, eager to listen.
"The order won't have time to do a lot of digging, they're worried about the new rise in hunters meaning all their attention is put in that"
Techno gave a nod, showing Phil he understood.
"This is going to be an interesting couple of weeks"

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