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 Ramadan, Day ten.

      ~ Day 1 charity foundation

"As'salamualaikum famz, we are now at Roda Al Murooj street, we gonna be serving the poor, orphans and the widowed—the great crown prince of Dubai is gonna do the cooking!" Yasmin yelled, obviously life streaming and comments were flooding her blog.

"Yasmin that's not helping, you should at least hid that phone and join us." Abubakar cautioned as he was performing the combustion reaction on the coal.

"Don't you know about hyping? I'm hyping you duh," Yasmin said as she took the Prince's picture and posted it on her moment instantly.

"What are we cooking today?" Abubakar asked facing Zarah—Niqab is still on her face. "What do you wanna cook; what about mehalbiya?" Zarah said as she kept blowing carbondioxide in the coal.

"Why can't we just use gas or something electrical—it's excruciating seeing you guys doing that." Yasmin said in a disgusted manner.

Overreacting, probably.

"Fazza said; 'show the citizens you care' " Abubakar said trying to sound more like his father. The fire was creaking and it was wild, blue and red luminous flames were burning; orange hue smouldered the tip of the fire.

"Whoa, how did you do that?" Abubakar asked in a surprising tone.

"Just blow it gently. My mum always does it!" Zarah said in a bumptious or cocky manner.

"Poor people always get to do disgusting things." Yasmin blurted out right in Zarah's face. Zarah's face turned red; she was damn angry. She needed a timeout from both of them so she went straight into the ingredients truck without thinking. She brought out a gallon of milk, packets of white sugar—bringing it down to the wooden table/cooking table (counter).

"Go get the cornstarch and the whipping cream." Zarah said, this time in a dominant way and she wasn't specifying on who she wanted to get it.

"You talking to me?" Abubakar asked.

"I'll get it!" Zarah said angrily and walked away again.

"What's wrong with her, sheesh." Abubakar scoffed and he continued with what he was doing. Zarah kept the cornstarch,whipping cream, rose water and cardamom pods gently on the wooden table.

"What are these?" Abubakar said, pointing at the cardamom pod. Zarah ignored him.

He is just annoying.

"Let's get started!" Abubakar said with a together we can make it kinda face.

"—Combine one gallon of milk and sugar together in the sauce pan." Zarah stated and Abubakar stared at her before doing as she said; while Yasmin kept life streaming. Abubakar put the big pan on the coal fire to boil.

"—Step 2, whisk water and corn starch together in a bowl until smooth." Zarah added, Princd Abubakar tried his possible best but he wasn't whisking well; Zarah wanted to help and she mistakenly laid her hand on Prince Abubakar's hand, she quickly withdraw after feeling an electric impulses coursing through her veins like ragging fire. She leave it to him.

Way to go Ramadan!

"Pour it into the boiling milk." Zarah said in a new dominant way and Prince Abubakar did as he was instructed. The whole atmosphere was seized with the pleasant diary aroma.

"Cook milk mixture over medium heat." Zarah said,

"How in the world do we find medium heat." Abubakar bickered.

"That was why I approved with Fazza's idea—coal is always burning in the medium range." Zarah said intelligently.

"You're amazing! Masha Allah." Abubakar mouthed, but Zarah heard him. Why was he being nicer than usual? Yasmin was too blinded with the blog to notice.

"Until thickened to the consistency of a cake batter, 15 to 20 minutes. Remove sauce pan from heat and stir cream, rose water and cardamom into milk mixture!" Zarah instructed.

"And by remove sauce pan from fire; you mean bring down. You've got to work on your grammar." Abubakar snickered which pissed Zarah off.
The Mehalbiya looks exactly like the one she saw when she watched the YouTube tutorial.

"Wow, I didn't know cooking is so simple and amazing!" Abubakar admired. "Me either!" Zarah said unexpectedly loudly.

Abubakar raised his brows. "What? you can cook, right?" Zarah ignored him again.

"Whooho, hashtag serve the poor!" Yasmin yelled and hugged Abubakar tightly after ending the life streaming.

"Yasmin, it's Ramadan" Abubakar pushed her away gently. Reminding her she's gotta abstain from hugging the opposite gender if she really wants her fast to be genuine.

"We gonna need a mini refrigerators."

"That's why we've got them. Daniel! start the solar energy, Manesh you start filling the bowl with the hot mehalbiya, Uthman go bring the banner!" Abubakar ordered like the Prince he was.

The whole workers started rushing towards the truck—they start up the solar plant and electricity reigned again. Zarah headed towards the little refrigerators—thinking she could carry one. She grasped it and it was damn heavy. She was a female after all —she's got fluid instead of muscles. She wobbled here and there before collapsing and bumping on the Prince; she crashed on him—she was right on the Prince; gazing deeply into the Prince's blue eyeballs. Her niqab was slightly opened, Abubakar gazed into hers also, he was too flabbergasted to speech. On a normal consideration: Zarah's fasting is actually vague—she broke the major rule; abstaining from opposite gender.

He pushed Zarah aside in a fast motion. He stood up and cleared his throat, Zarah on the other hand covered her face—covering her flushed cheeks.

"I'm sorry Prince Abubakar," Zarah apologized. Thinking it's better to do so.

"It's Abubakar. Next time be more careful and stop ignoring me!" Abubakar winked as he let out a big smile and walked away.

Zarah sat on the floor dumbfounded as she looked at the handsome prince walked away. The prince was also cheesy with her. What was he trying to do? Her heart was beating fast like a Tokyo train.

"Zarah, why are you sitting on the floor?" Uthman broke her daydreaming out of nowhere—he was also carrying a little refrigerator.

"Let me help you up," Uthman said as he dragged Zarah up. Zarah quickly snap off his hand from hers.

Following the rules now—abstaining from male touch

Author's note

Salaam readers, I hope you guys enjoyed the newly improved chapter; thanks for reading.

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