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Day twenty-seven/eight; Ramadan...

(3/2 days left)

"What.. now?" Fazza was perplexed,
"Abubakar... Why do you always lied to me!" He said in a betrayed tone.

"I always try to.." He gaze at Yasmin, "I thought you'll never accept her as my bride!" Prince Abubakar said.

"I won't!" Fazza blurted out, Yasmin had a devilish smirk on her face, Tariq was also happy.

"But dad, you're doing it again, why can't I marry Zarah?"

"Because you're engaged son... You're engaged to Yasmin." Fazza said as he wanted standing up but he sits again.

"Yeah Fazza, he should know that! " Yasmin whined.

"And who said I can't marry two wives!" He said and paused as they all gasp loudly! "According to the Sunnah; a man is entitled to marry more than one wife, so I'll make Zarah my second wife!" Prince Abubakar ordered.

Fazza was silent, too flabbergasted to even think of what to do.

"My daughter can't have a rival in marriage!" Tariq said like he would kill Abubakar.

"Yes, I can't, Abubakar I love you, please forget about her!"

The Fazza opened his mouth to say something, but it froze and he was silent again.

"Hamdan, say something!" Mr Tariq said.

"Hmm... If Yasmin can't marry someone with two wives.." He paused and gazed at Yasmin and Abubakar respectively. "Then let's call off the wedding, and you'll marry Zarah, because a Future Sheikh isn't guaranteed to have one wife, he is the prince, he can make his decisions!" Fazza said and Prince Abubakar smiled.

"Besides.... Zarah isn't bad, she has dignity. She knows how to deal with royal stuffs and most importantly, she knows how to deal with ruthless, lethargic princes!" Fazza said as he chuckled and Prince Abubakar also chuckled softly.

Happy probably.

Yasmin wasn't getting it, she could have a panic attack any moment from now.

"I love you...." Prince Abubakar hug Fazza "Dad." Fazza's face lit up as Prince Abubakar said 'dad' and he tightened the hug.

"I love you too, that is the decision your mother would make." Fazza said as he loosen his grip.

"Speaking of mother, when is she coming back? " Abubakar asked in ecstasy.

"Maybe on Eid day. She is still helping those poor at the madarasah in Europe. She'll be back don't worr-" Tariq cut the Fazza short.

"Hamdan, why are you doing this, order your son to marry Yasmin!"

"Yasmin is a good girl, I love her, but the choice is hers. Yasmin, if you love me; choose me." Abubakar said before the Fazza could utter a word.

"No..... No... I can't choose, I love and I can't share you with someone else!" Yasmin said as she run away from the Iftar point.

"Yasee! Yasee!..." Tariq said as he turned to her direction.

"Tariq? I'm not a monster, I love my son as you love your daughter and I cherish his decisions, I'll go now." Fazza said with a soft sigh.

Mr. Tariq stood in a spot staring at the prince.

"Excuse me." The prince bowed before walking away.

CityMax hotel

An Eid With The Prince [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now