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"How would you feel if the Fazza find out? I speak Spanish too." Zarah winked and the French men gasped.

"Suis désolé au nom de mon pere." Pedro apologized.

"I guess you can speak English now, talk to me in a language I understand!" Prince Abubakar dominantly said, Pedro sighed heavily and said;

"I said; 'I am sorry on behalf of my papa'."

"Oh....That's what that meant?"

Prince Abubakar asked eyes widened.

"Merci." Zarah added.

"And since I found out about your conspiracy. You'll have to tell Fazza that I'm a great Prince, understand!" Abubakar tried to control his anger and Zarah was surprise.

"Don't worry it'll work, have a good night Prince. Let's go papa." Pedro dragged his angry dad, they gave Zarah death glares before walking away—Zarah was filled with joy, she was about to burst. She stood up and was about to high five the prince, but she looked a bit quirky.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"I am... Sorry." Zarah blushed out of embarrassment.

The prince smiled "Thank you." Zarah couldn't believe her ears, she stood there petrified; she watched as he walked out of the restaurant alongside with his bodyguards.

Zarah's P.O.V

He smiled at me, I could feel the burning sensation on my cheeks.
Am I in love with the prince? Stop Zarah. You don't have a chance with the rich heir.

I thought he wanted getting rid of me. I guess we are friends now, I was right behind him as he walked briskly in his Lamborghini. Abubakar kinda made me smile today. His smile was inviting.

My ride came. It was Dale and the blue Tesla. I entered the car as Dale opened the door for me like a gentleman he always his. The road was bumpy than usual—I was reading some sort of article on the internet.

Just then a notification popped up, it was an update from the channel I subscribed to in YouTube.

"Five sign you have a secret admirer."

Really? This is the video I needed right now. I smiled as I clicked on it; not because I think I have a secret admirer, but because I had one. Wait? what am I saying, am I crazy? What am I worth that the prince will be my secret admirer, let's get to the video.

"— Sign one, if someone have a crush on you, he or she will be super jealous if another eye is watching you lustfully."

I smiled as the narrator said that. Yeah, when Pedro was flirting with me; even though the Prince had no idea what he was saying, he looked red. Is he jealous or disgusted?

I paused the video as the car pulled off in front of CityMax hotel, I stepped down of the car and bid Dale a good night and he replied with a smile. Dale is such a sweet gentleman.

The room was dark and BBQ PIZZA aroma seized the air, I switched on the light and saw Safeenah sleeping in pile of leftover pizza. She don't have the right to eat junk food, she also has the right to eat healthy food like normal kids her age—but I wasn't there for her, I haven't cooked a nice meal. I was never around to take care of her, I wasn't fit to be a mother.

Why was everything shattering now. I thought I was happy earlier. I guess I'm selfish. Thinking about my happiness when my daughter ain't.
I'm remembering now? Why? Why are old memories flooding my central nervous system.



"Nikkah? Zarah are you alright?  You're sixteen and you can't marry him— he doesn't have a job. Don't tell me you'll be running a restaurant with him." A woman in her mid-forties scolded young Zarah.

"Mum, there are things we have to do fast, I don't want to end up heartbroken. It will be me and him forever." Teenage Zarah inquired.

"Don't be silly, don't even think you can lock yourself on him. Do you think you can lock a man with a marriage? If a man will fornicate, he will. You can't lock a man with a marriage." The woman who seems to be Zarah's Mum added,

"Mum, Yusuf won't cheat. He is my knight in shining armour." Teenage Zarah said ignorantly.

"I had terrible experience my dear Fateema, how sure are you—you can take care of a baby?"

"Yes mum, see I have a perfect name. Safeenah, see? Nothing will ever go wrong." Zarah added in a childish manner.

"You are not ready for this Zarah,  please reconsider it." Her mother warned.

"I'm ready mother, I'm ready for the Nikkah, I can't wait to be called Mrs Rahman." Zarah said, thinking life is a fairytale.

Everything drifted back to normal, I had been in a brain wave, tears trickled down my cheeks. Only if my mother was here, she could help me with Safeenah.

• • • • •

The following morning, in the castle. Prince Abubakar walked towards the Fazza division, as he arrived at the door he waited—he could hear voices that he remember but not quite well.

"Is that not Mr Tariq Al-Futtaim?"Abubakar guessed as he peeped through the door hole.

Uthman walked close to him and pat his shoulder. Abubakar was shocked.

"You..Should stop doing that, don't you know you are scary?" Abubakar shuddered as he was shocked to the bones.

"Am not the one stalking the Fazza." Uthman said as he walked away not waiting for a response.  Abubakar pushed the door open, he saw his dad,the Fazza smiling and talking to another man; it's like they are friends.

"Tariq can't you see, he is just like me. He even rule like me, the French men said he'll be a great Shiek!" Sheik Hamdan acknowledged the Prince's hard work.

"I see-" Tariq paused as he caressed his beard. "And a suitable suitor for Yasmin," he glanced at Abubakar with a smile. "Have you seen her?" He asked with a smile.

"Forgive me, I will have to leave now. Maybe I will drop by the princess' division and say hi. I hope you enjoy your stay here in Dubai." Abubakar said and bowed in anger.

He walked away, he was ready for a marriage.

"Have you inform him about the wedding, it should be on Eid day. I spent a lot on that wedding!" Tariq reminded Fazza as he sight the look on Abubakar's face. Fazza sighed heavily.

Author's note

Amazing? Right?

Yeah it is, Abubakar is starting to be friendly with Zarah. Who is Yasmin?

I'll love to see her,

Zarah's pasts are awful, she have many haunted past. I'll start shedding more light on her past.

Her past with her mother, father,spouse and her classmates. Most especially with Uthman, don't you think she knows him from somewhere?

Nikkah is the Arabic word for marriage.

Now you're all familiar with the names and firms.

Wait, it seems Zarah will be leaving soon, her job is done.


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