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Day twenty one; Ramadan.

Two days later

"Oh Abubakar, please wake up, ya Rabb, please help my fiancée overcome this situation." Yasmin touched Abubakar lifeless body lying on the hospital bed.

"It's been two days, son please wake up, your dad is here!" Fazza held Abubakar's hand tightly.

Uthman cleared his throat and walked down to the him."Sheik, I think you should go, I'll take care of the Prince! "

"Thank you Uthman, call me if there is any problem, shukran Uthman." Sheik Hamdan said as he tapped Uthman's shoulder with a smile.

Sheik Hamdan and Mr. Tariq walked out with a yawn, it looked like they've not got a good rest—a king must have. They must be really fatigued, that explained the bags underneath their eyes.

"You should go, Lady Yasmin, I'll take care of him."

"Thank you Uthman, I promise to compensate you stinkingly." Yasmin said and walked out of the ward with a yawn also, she hid the bags underneath her eyes with makeup. Uthman sighed heavily and moved closer to the lifeless, emotionless Prince, he smiled at the prince.

"Look at you, stuck in the world of the dead and the living, even in the afterlife you're still useless, the dead don't want you, just die already!" Uthman cursed—still angry about the big fight. He walked out of the ward and the room was silent again, not even a cricket could break the silence, only the sound of the oxygen tank could be heard. The door swung open and devastated Zarah and worried Dale rushed in.

Zarah rushed to the Prince in tears. "Oh Allah, how did he end up like this?" Tears was already gathering in her eyes.

"I'll excuse you guys." Dale said and he walked out of the ward briskly.

"Abubakar! I'm here, your love is here, remember you promised to elope with me...." Zarah paused and smiled at him. "Abubakar let's elope together, and the most funniest part is, I can't elope without you," Zarah said now already in tears. "Forgive me for making you land in a coma, forgive me, Abubakar I love you—let's run away, you see, I don't care if I'm the outlaw, it doesn't matter when I'm with you, wake up my love, wake up my ruthless billionaire prince!"  Zarah said as she banged her fist on Abubakar's chest, as she did so, miraculously, the beeping machine readings went high, blood ran through his veins, his heart began to beat and he was gently waking up from the coma.

Prince Abubakar pressed Zarah on his chest, Zarah's left ear was close to his heart. Zarah tears dropped inside Abubakar's lips, and Zarah could hear the rhythmic sound his heart was making—beating in a way full of romance, passion and love.

"Promise me you'll never leave me, make our world blend together, promise me you'll be my bride, promise me, you'll make me Safeenah's dad," Abubakar said eyes closed.

"That's a lot of promises Abubakar, but I can only promise you one thing, I can promise you I'll love you for the rest of my life." Zarah said with a smile, Abubakar tightened his grip as he opened his eyes.

"I miss you, it hell down there." Abubakar whispered.

"How sure are you, I'm here now, it always paradise with you, I love you."

"I'm happy, I feel like.. kissing you,"

"Stop being a pervert, Prince wait till we are united." Zarah said and she smiled, she was damn happy.

Uthman barge in, and he was shocked with what he saw, "hmm...... Hmm."

"He just woke up and I think I should.... Do... Erm?" Zarah said awkwardly,

"I understand, Prince thank Allah, you're awake, I'll let Lady Yasmin know." Uthman said with a furious face.

"Oh yeah, it was a miracle indeed, she was the messiah Allah sent to me, we looked like couple, right?" Abubakar said with a wink.

"I should go now!" Zarah said and walked out awkwardly.

"Drop the act Uthman, I never thought you could fall in love,"
Abubakar said as he helped himself up.

"You're always annoying, I prayed you die in that coma, "

"Oh, look who's talking. One of my worker, I can get rid of you with just a phone call!"

"You fool, it was Fazza who hired me and to hell with your riches, but Zarah is always mine."

"Lemme ask you a question Uthman,"

"Go on!"

"Who sponsored your poverty? I can't believe you as poor as a church rat still bragging in front of a Prince, well, it was my fault, I shouldn't have hired you, you lowlife masquerade!" Prince Abubakar said with a devilish grin.

"You've crossed the line, I don't care if I'm charge of treason, I'll kill you," Uthman said as he charged at the Prince, the door bursted open and was cut short as Yasmin walked in.

"Oh my God! He is awake! My habibti is awake!" Yasmin said as she hugged Abubakar on the bed, she poured kisses on his forehead and cheeks.

"I missed you, love, how was it?" Yasmin said in a very caring voice.

"My fans will go gaga to see you awake!" Yasmin said as she took their photo together and she captioned 

#Hubby_awake_coma_two day_hospital _nine days left_💎_❤_😍_💙💚💛💜#

" Thank you Uthman, for staying beside the Prince, Jazakalahhul khairan " Yasmin acknowledged.

"No thanks ma'am, I'll go inform Sheik." He said and bowed before walking out in anger.

"Once you're discharge, I'll make you a perfect food, even though I can't cook, I'll try love." Yasmin said,

"Will you just shut up, that will help, a lot!"

"Stop being cold Abubakar! I'm your wife to be."

"Yasmin, what will you do if I marry another wife?"

"What...... What are you saying Abu?"
Yasmin asked in a shaking voice.

Author's note

Hey and salaam y'all, how have you been?

Abubakar is getting confused, even though he had marriage in mind, how will he marry Zarah when he was already engaged with Yasmin.
Speaking of second wife,will Yasmin ever want a rivalry home? What will Fazza say, and even worst Mr. Tariq.

Don't get bored, the fun is just starting, Please don't forget to vote and comment.

Love you guys!

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