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Day twenty-five; Ramadan.

(Five days left to go)

She was only six, she was so confuse,she kept crying; not knowing what to do, she thought about going down to the foyer and get help—but she nixed the idea; her mother was drowning. An idea struck her mind, she hurried to the living room, there she found her mother's phone. She picked it up, thankfully her mother wasn't secretive—no passwords, she clicked on the contact icon; she typed in the search bar 'ABUBAKAR' but no result was found. She typed 'Young Fazza' again it was a null hypothesis.

She tried names like ALI, BAKAR, SIDIQH, nothing worked, she started to scroll again and she saw another contact 'Abufazza💚'. "It has to be this one." She quickly thought as she clicked on it.

The phone was ringing.

*Grr Grr *

The call was on for a moment, then he picked it. "Salaam!" The Prince said melodiously.

"Wa alaykum salaam.... uncle Ali, my ummi is dead!" Safeenah yelled in tears, she dropped the phone and rushed in the restroom to check on Zarah.

"What? Safeenah... Angel!" Prince Abubakar said through the phone.

* * * * *

"What's wrong? Who called?" Yasmin asked like she'd have a panic attack episode any moment.

"I think Zarah is.... Dead!" Prince Abubakar stuttered as he narrowed his gaze at his phone. "Subhanallah! How comes?" Yasmin asked in tears. What? In tears?

"Save your tears, I know you're happy deep down." Prince Abubakar lashed as he opened the door to the driver's sit, he inserted the car key into the ignition.

"We are coming with you." Yasmin said, Prince Abubakar couldn't argue,he needed to see Zarah, so he let them in—the body guard and Yasmin.

Safeenah cries could be heard from the foyer, she kept shouting her ummi's name. The door bell rang, Safeenah rushed to the door and opened it, she wished it was uncle Dale or Spencer.

She opened the door, Prince Abubakar was standing in front of it, worried and scared, same as Yasmin but the body guard was emotionless as always.

Safeenah hugged Abubakar, "I don't want my ummi to die, I don't want to be an orphan, help my ummi please! " Safeenah pleaded.

"Sorry little girl, Aunty Yasee is here." Yasmin said as she carried Safeenah on her shoulders.

Yasmin was nicer than other days, why was she nice towards Safeenah?

"Where is she?" Abubakar said like a knight in a silver amour.

"In the bathroom." Safeenah said in tears.

As Abubakar stormed to the restroom Yasmin became jealous, she started doubting the fact that; if she was in a situation like this Abubakar would never be worried.

"Zarah!!!!" Abubakar cried out as he rushed to the tub filled with red water. "Oh no, oh God, how did you get here? Josh! Josh!" Abubakar called his body guard, and he made his way to the toilet, as soon as he saw Zarah in the red water, he averted his gaze, Zarah's cloth was wet so it's like a silky fabric now.

Abubakar ferociously tore the curtain, he lifted Zarah out of the blood pool—for the second time. And he covered her body with the curtain,as he carried her—Yasmin walked in with Safeenah, the situation of Zarah made Safeenah cried, Yasmin had a frown on her.

Prince Abubakar carried Zarah, some bloody water wet his robe and it also became silky—it got stuck to his rock hard abs, and his abs could be visible.
"She is still breathing," Abubakar said in relieve, Yasmin instantly dropped Safeenah.

"Let's get her to the hospital." Abubakar said as he nodded at Josh, Josh picked the hearty sunglasses on the crystal table.

"Let's do that!" Yasmin said as Prince Abubakar glared at her in disgust.

* * *  *

In front of the operating theater, Prince Abubakar, Dale, Safeenah and Yasmin all look anxious.

"I'm sorry Safeenah, I should have come earlier." Dale apologized as he held Safeenah's fingers tightly.

"How did it even happen, how did she got hurt!" Dale asked as he carried Safeenah on his shoulder, Safeenah was sleepy, she kept yawning.

"It's an accident! I guess?" Yasmin blurted out, maintaining her voice balance.

"An accident or a homicide attempt! " Prince Abubakar said as he glanced at Yasmin.

"I'll go drop Safeenah, I'll be back later your Highness." Dale said and walked out with Safeenah.

"Abubakar, we should sue anyone involve in this, who could have done it?"

"You! You are a murderer!" Prince Abubakar said in whispers.

"What are you saying honey, I would never hurt anyone." Yasmin said at the verge of tears.

"Don't even dare, why are you still lying? Okay, what was a brand new I phone 12 doing in her hotel room, and what was your hearty sunglasses doing there too? What did you do to her! What? Answer me!" Prince Abubakar yelled as he was so close to Yasmin, Yasmin was broken, scared, Princr Abubakar would hit her if she say something annoying—seeing that look on his face made Yasmin more upset, the look of affection and care,why did he still care about her?

"You never look at me like that, you never cared for me, you hate me, but why do you always care for her, she is not the most beautiful lady, I'm more beautiful than her, I'm rich, why?"

"Because I love her!" Prince Abubakar yelled as he later found out what he had just said.

"But, we are going to be married in five days time now! So you've been toying with my emotions!" Yasmin said in tears.

"No Yasmin, I also love you, but... You are always clingy, you are rude, you don't have human feelings. "

"But?" Yasmin said as the doctor walked out of the operating theater.

"I'm sorry......." Prince Abubakar cut the doctor short by jerking his lab coat collars, "no doc, she can't be please!" Prince Abubakar said in tears.

"Let go of me your Highness." Doctor Xander said Abubakar let go of him, he dust away Abubakar's sweaty palms, and he reset his coat. "She's not dead, she just lost a lot of blood,and there is another problem, she is o positive and that blood group is rear." Doctor Xander said.

"Where can we get someone from her blood group, doctor?" Prince Abubakar asked.

"We don't have that blood in our bank, but we can order for it, but I don't think she can last that long,"

"Can B positive do?" Yasmin asked,

"Don't even think of it!" Abubakar said and faced the doctor, "am I healthy to donate blood?"

"Are you O positive?" The doctor and Yasmin chorused.

"Thank God we are 'O positives' " Abubakar said happily.

"No Abu, it's inappropriate for a Prince to donate blood to a mere worker, beside we are getting married, you need to be healthy for our wedding." Yasmin said.

"But why should I marry someone who doesn't know my blood group?" Abubakar asked as he followed the doctor, Yasmin had tears in her eyes.

Ready to strangle Zarah if she had the chance.

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