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Zarah's p.o.v

I knew something was off, I wasn't  paranoid about the fact that Safeenah might see Yusuf, because Yusuf has the rights to see his daughter. Though Prince Abubakar's nasheed was heart warming, but I miss my baby, all alone at the kiddies virtual world.

 I came out of the VIP zone after Maryam advised me—knew what she was talking about, but I can't really choose, I was in love with both men. I went out and navigated towards the kiddies zone and what I saw was what I was actually expecting, to be frank. Dale was attacking my ex-husband, I felt slight pain in my eyes, wait was I crying for him again?

I assured my self I won't cause trouble, all I want to do is stop Dale, but as I walked down to them, I slapped Dale harder than I've slapped anyone in my life. I couldn't hesitate, no one should ever be treated that way. I looked at Safeenah, she was looking at me with a look that told me she think I am a monster.

"Why would you do assault him?" I asked Dale as I tried to wipe Yusuf's bloody nose. "Iam okay, I did nothing, I just wanted a moment with my daughter!" Yusuf said, out loud.

Really? Was this the right moment for him to burst such bubbles?

Safeenah was confused, she is six for crying out loud, she understood nothing, "his he my baba?" Safeenah asked me and I could see tears in her eyes.

"I..I..Can explain baby, he was your dad...." I tried to say something but she cut me short and went bonkers on me.

"I can't believe you hid him from me, you always told me baba is dead and he was right here, I hate you Ummi, I hate you!" My daughter raised her voice at me for the first time, my heart breaked as she said 'I hate you'.

"Uncle Dale, I wanna go!" safeenah yelled, I couldn't say anything, I only nodded at Dale, and he gave me an assuring look, he drove off with Safeenah.

Don't judge her for telling her daughter her father died, but she had no choice then, she was young, she raised their daughter alone, he never called, and she heard he moved back to his home town,  Shanghai, who could have thought he'll be back.

"Dead really, you told my daughter I was dead?" Yusuf asked me with an evil smirk, and I could read vexation in his voice.

Why was he smirking, he kinda looked like the devil now, "so you're putting the blame on me, for saying you died? Didn't you die? The Yusuf I once knew died three years ago, all I can see now is a billionaire chef jerk, you weren't there when Safeenah graduated from kindergarten, even on father's day, you didn't show up, oh God can you explain what death is if it is not all these?" I asked him hypothetically, and I could noticed we've got some audience—they all gathered round us and I don't give a damn, all I wanted now was to give this jerk a piece of my mind.

"So, I should be blamed for all of that, what happened to the mails I always sent to Safeenah on her birthdays?" Yusuf asked,

 "Yeah, you always forgot her birthday, you sent them every two months earlier to her birthday, so I ignored them, are you even worth to be call a father?" I said to him, I could see Maryam's pitiful eyes piercing through the crowd.

"This is not a movie, evacuate immediately." I heard prince Abubakar said as he shooed away the crowd,

Speaking of knight in shinning armor.

An Eid With The Prince [Editing]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat