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my palms are sweating buckets. my whole body is shaking. and my heart is pounding a mile a minute. this audition will be the end of me. i'm usually never before an audition, but this is completely different to others.

this is the number one show on television. and not to mention that it's freakin awesome. so if i get the part, my career could boost up.

they start calling out names, and everyone begins to panic.

i look around the room, and notice that there are a lot of girls in here. some of them were eyeing me, causing me to shift uncomfortably in my seat. one of girls walk up to me, and tap my shoulder.

"excuse me, are you abbie williams?" she asks, nervously fiddling with her fingers. i smile and nod my head. "oh my gosh, i'm a huge fan. can i get a picture?" she asks, and i of course agree.

a couple of other girls come up to me and ask for the same thing. the commotion is then interrupted by the clearing of a throat coming from across the room.

we all turn our heads and see the audition lady standing beside the door. "abbie williams." she calls out. i say goodbye to all my fans, then walk up to her. she smiles and opens the door. "alright this way." she says, then takes me inside.

"abbie williams, an i correct?" greg nicotero, the director i recognized almost immediately, asks.

i nod my head and reply, "yes sir." he nods his head as well, then writes something down on his clipboard.

"okay so it says here that, you're fifteen years old, have been in six movies, and have won a grammy along with other awards. impressive," robert, the comic writer, says.

"thank you, i've been acting since i was a small child. so it gives me time to do many things." i tell them, giggling a bit.

"alright so, are you ready for your scene?" greg asks, and i nod my head. i take a deep breath, then begin saying the lines that i have already memorized.

"i didn't mean for any of this to happen, it just did. " i say, then take a short pause.

"i've tried to help them. but they aren't worth it. they're weak, helpless. i've done what i could. but the minute it gets dark, we're gone." i add, taking another short pause to increase the suspense. "and no one is stopping us."

they both look at each other, then scribble some more things in their clipboard. "very good, thank you for auditioning. we'll keep in touch, have a nice day." greg says.

"thank you, you guys too." i reply, flashing the both a smile before exiting the room. i walk up to my mom and sally, nervously smiling.

"how'd it go?" mom asks, walking up to me with an excited look on her face.

"i think i did pretty good. the directors were super nice, i'm feeling pretty confident about this one." i say, and she gives me a huge bear hug.

"of course you did. after all, abbie williams is the most talented fifteen year old in the land!" sally exclaims, giving me a tight hug just like my mother. "now, let's go get some burgers. i'm starving."

after having a delicious lunch at in-n-out, we head back to the hotel to end the night. early the next morning, we board the plane to head back to our home in texas. the only thing needed to do now, was wait.

always // chandler riggs Where stories live. Discover now