Multiple portals, courtesy of Yogumunt began to pop up across the area. Magical chains reached out to each of the deceased Constructs, latching onto them and dragging them into the portal. An eyebrow rose in confusion and curiosity when he saw one do the same to Mars.

"Why is that needed? He is charred mincemeat. I don't think you can experiment on that." Keras' words had his fellow Monarch scoff.

"Were you not paying attention when I explained to you how I made these new batches of Constructs?" A rhetorical question was imposed on the Monarch of Iron Body as he already knew what would be the answer. After all, Yogumunt hadn't spent the last few hundred thousand years fighting their collective enemy or working on his Constructs. 

"Oh well, I can do it again if you want."

"Keep it to yourself. I'm leaving. Just do whatever you deem is necessary." He shot back, obviously repulsed by his fellow Monarchs' insinuation. Allies they are but never in his entire immortal life Keras take pleasure nor pride in collaborating with any of his fellow kings. Yogumunt was especially given the nature of the Monarchs' subjects.

A single wave of the hand and a portal opened in response. As Yogumunt saw the man's back, he managed to catch the tell-tale sign of a disgusted face moments before the handsome king turned away. "I just want my army and you better keep your end of the bargain. I did mine."

"Of course," Yogumunt answered plainly. Their eyes met for a brief moment before Keras break it off first, scowling all the while. Having gotten used to the scorn from the others, it doesn't wound the older man at the blatant lack of respect.

Once the portal disappeared, Yogumunt dropped all manner of pretense. A single derisive snort released at the man's attitude. Having spent millennia fighting alongside the so-called brothers and sister in arms makes his skin crawl. If it weren't for that egocentric moron, he would still be the weakest of them! 

"Never mind them, Yogumunt, never mind the little children yelling. Just focus on yourself. You'll wipe them all out with your army one day. You've spent tens of thousands of years working on this plan. No one can foil your greatest works. You're the Monarch of Knowledge, you can do anything." Yogumunt chanted like a mantra. He repeated it several times until he eventually calmed down. Satisfied, the king willed a portal of his own to live. Stepping through it and willing them to shut once he did.


"Do you know why you're here?"

"Can I at least know why All Might isn't here?"

A vein grew on Sir Nighteyes' forehead and Izuku nervously took a step back. However, the man didn't yell and chose to reply coolly in an even and calm voice.


Izuku kept quiet, taking a proper look at the surrounding area. Sir Nighteyes' office wasn't something he had expected but at the same time matches what he had imagined. A standard office room with all of the necessary fitting equipment. The only thing that makes it different is the sheer number of All Might posters and merchandise. And as a die-hard fan of the Pro Heroes and specifically All Might, some of the merchandise hasn't been sold yet.

Sitting in front of him was the number one sidekick of All Might, sitting behind an office desk. Both hands clasped over one another and eyes staring pointedly at him. The man looked like a villain or a very serious interviewer for a job application. 

Standing by his side was a blonde-haired man who looked like the blond version of Superman. The costume was a pure white suit with a flowing red cape. A yellow and green scaly pauldron adorned the shoulders along with a pair of baggy blue pants and a pair of boots to match his costume. Having seen him on the news multiple times, Izuku knew who the man was. One of the reasons why All Might's agency is the strongest in all of Japan.

Sovereign of Death, King of Heroes: Izuku MidoriyaWhere stories live. Discover now