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“No!” Hoor screamed as she ran out of Hajja’s reach, clutching Hajja’s gold purse to her chest.

“Come back, you naughty girl.” 

Hoor laughed, “Baba mamy is next.” She tilted her head to get a sight of Mamy, who was hiding behind Hajja’s chair, ready to collect the purse. 

“Throw!” Mamy mouthed to her. Nodding, Hoor threw the purse in her direction. Hajja stood to block it, but she couldn’t jump that far. Mamy jumped from behind the chair, and caught the purse, triumphant.

“Yay!” Hoor jumped. 

Kauthar watched them from the staircase, smiling. “Hoor, come and take your bath o.” she called out. 

Hoor turned and caught her eyes, “Today is Saturday.”

“Ehen, does that mean you shouldn’t bath?” 

Hoor pouted and folded her arms.

“Barakah is waiting for you to bath together.” 

At that, she beamed. “I’m coming!”

Kauthar shook her head, went down the stairs and made her way into the kitchen, where she placed
Ismail’s flask of food and a ceramic plate on a tray. Ismail was yet to come in, she left him on the phone with his dad. She hoped he hadn’t told them about Yusuf and Hidaya, this was their problem to solve alone.

As she set the tray on the dining table. Hajja walked up to her. “Ke, how far with the Aliyu
Manga woman?” 

That was true. They hadn’t spoken since that time. “She’s fine.” Kauthar said, eyes on the sunflower patterned table mats. 

“Isn’t she coming back?”

“Gaskiya I don’t know.” She turned to her mother. “Lafiya?” 

Hajja narrowed her eyes. “I just want to know our in-laws. Any problem?”

Kauthar smiled. “Don’t worry, when she calls, I’ll tell her that you’re greeting her.” 

“Mummy, we’re ready” Hoor called out from their room. As Kauthar ambled up the stairs, she heard Ismail coming into the house, but she refused to turn around. Once inside the girls’ room, she helped Hoor into her Sofia the first night gown and wiped Barakah’s already made bed with a cloth. Then she joined Hoor on her bed to recite the supplications for sleeping before tucking
Hoor’s blanket under her chin.

The bathroom door opened as Barakah rushed out in her towel. Kauthar stared, recalling the time she held the towel, missing her daughter. Tears sprang up to her eyes. 

“Mummy, have you see m-” Barakah was saying before Kauthar went to hug her from behind.

“I missed you so much.” She said into her damp hair. She felt Barakah move so she let her go.  “I missed you too. All of you.” She smiled, but it looked strained. 

Kauthra frowned. “Are you okay?” She held her shoulders. 

“I want to ask a question.” Barakah said. 

Kauthar nodded. 

“It’s about my real mum,” She licked her lips.

Kauthar’s eyes widened. She gulped, waiting.

“That uncle said you did something to her, is it true?”

Kauthar released a breath. Well-done Yusuf. “Come here.” She steered Barakah towards her bed. She sat down and faced her, not sure where to begin, but she started talking. “You know nobody is perfect.” Barakah bobbed her head.

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