[SPOILER]Summaries of MC's multiple timelines and different peep's POV

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Illya's multiple lives
Life 1 - She loves Soleil and plays the stereotypical "villainess" by separating the two, chastising her sister in public, etc. She is wrongfully condemned to death by Soleil for plotting her sister's death.
Life 2 - She returns to the moment when she is already hopelessly in love with Soleil, thinking that as long as she is forgiving and gentle this time, he won't condemn her and somehow they'll live a satisfying married life. She leverages shady tactics to protect herself from false accusations and stop the bandits as the perfect Marchioness. She refuses Al's help in running away because he already died because of her in the first life. Instead, she dies in childbirth, accused of adultery bc of her bad rep.
Life 3 - She is traumatized by the loss of her child and goes half-insane thinking her child still exists. She gets imprisoned in her room where she meets Crow for the first time. He consoles her and is her only companion. She makes him promise to protect Silvia from the bandits. Silvia gets pregnant with Soleil's child and is taken in as mistress. Ilya commits suicide.
Life 4 - Ilya decides to take her escort knight, Al's offer, and runs away. He dies to the Marquess' knights in the attempt because one of his comrades betrayed them. She is forced to return because she was raised as the future Marchioness and they have no replacement. Soleil acts as if she betrayed him. Ilya discovers Al was survived by his fiance and knows she can never take his help again.
Life 5 - Ilya raises Silvia as her successor so the Marquessate won't search for her even if she runs. She escapes alone but is intercepted by slave traders and sold to a brothel. Crow returns as she's on her deathbed, nursing her to make her last days comfortable. Crow finds Al, who takes her to Soleil and Silvia's manor because he thinks she'd want to be with family. Crow doesn't hear her ask for him to stay. Soleil and Silvia are married with children and on Ilya's deathbed, Soleil has the gall to blame Ilya for absconding.
Life 6 - Briefly mentioned, she gets run over by a carriage on their way to the theatre.
Life 7 - Ilya spends all her time searching for Crow. More insight into Soleil. This loop takes a closer look at her relationship with her family. The household neglects her as she buries herself in studies in hopes of being loved. She avoids all her favorite things because Silvia likes them too and she'll always be seen as inferior. Only Crow notices this. She helps Silvia get permission to attend the academy while she gets painted as the villainess in the academy. She's an outsider in her own family and we discover why along with why Silvia dies in certain timelines and not others. She thinks there might be something Crow's said, something very important that she's forgotten. She almost drowns in the bathtub.
Life somewhere we don't really know - Her near-death by drowning melts into another preceding life where she's dying in a rain-soaked alleyway in Crow's arms. It does not become clear until much later, but her lives are blending together in her jumbled memories.
Life 7, Checkpoint 1 - Her mother commits suicide after Ilya confronts her with Silvia's real identity. She gets accused of causing her mother's death. She died, beat up by her dad at her mother's funeral.
Life 7, Checkpoint 2 - Yay, new checkpoint! By unraveling the mystery she gets restored to the moment her mother attempts suicide and prevents her death. She unravels the entire backstory of Silvia's birth and dies in the course of saving Silvia's life from the bandit attack in the first life. They aren't bandits, but part of a deeper plot, overcoming a third checkpoint! She tells Soleil she doesn't love him."

Soleil POV
In Soleil POV we learn that he likes cute and fragile girls. But since he is a marquis, he is on top of the noblesse (there is no duke in his country) he cannot have a weak wife.

So he chooses Ilya who is a strong woman. From his POV, he just logically cannot accept another woman than Ilya since she is so skilled, he really tries to be a good husband and really think he is nice to little sis only because he is her brother, a family member.

He doesn't really care about Ilya because she is strong so she didn't need him.

Since Soleil is the most important noble after the royals, no one dares to try talking to him about his behavior. And since no one tell him he mistreat his fiance, he didn't realize it either.

When we know what happens after Ilya's death he never has a happy ending. In the first loop, he was killed by Ilya knight "Al" and no one help him. Because even if he uses all means to condemn Ilya, the nobles know she is innocent but cannot do anything about it, so when the knight avenges her, the nobles didn't blame him. (P.S. I am not sure if Al never faced any repercussions for killing Soleil, considering he is a fugitive who killed the head of a family. His comrades may have helped escape again though.)

In the loop where Ilya died from sickness after running away (life 5), he kills himself.

Sylvia POV
She has a YOLO mindset. She is sick and probably died before her 20 years so she wants to know love etc...

She is spoiled rotten too by her family and since she will probably die before being an adult she never takes any lessons. She just only stays at home and is loved by everyone. Since everyone loved and forgive her, she imagines Ilya will forgive her too even if she likes her husband.

In the loop where Ilya kills herself, she wakes up from her YOLO mindset and falls into depression before dying.

In the last loop, she finally notices the discrimination and stands up against Ilya's mistreatment.

Since every time little sis died, that didn't end well for Ilya, she (Illya) has a trauma where she was deeply convinced that litle sis must survive for her to live.

About family
In another country, there is a princess who was in love with her knight. They used the rebellion to elope in another country where there are very happy. But the rebellion ends and the princess needs to return. Because the princess was a jealous, selfish b*tch she orders her maid to marry the knight. So that she was sure he'd never forget her.

The knight and the maid have a girl, it's Ilya, and sometime later the princess visits the knight and the two of them have a daughter as well, Sylvia. Because their relationship was a secret, the litle princess cannot stay in her country so the princess gives her to her father and order her maid to take care of her better than her own child. The maid loves and is very faithful to the princess so she agrees to do so.

All the royals are dead now and the next country has a power struggle, Sylvia has strong royal specific traits so she can become queen. If she goes outside she is a threat to the people from the next kingdom who want to be king (she was killed by them in the 1er loop) so her mother used drugs (real drugs, not medicine) to maintain Sylvia's sickness and keep her at home where she is safe.

When Ilya asks her mother about the drug, she (the mother) kills herself in front of Illya, and she was accused of murdering her. The father was so angry he hit her so hard she died.

In the last loop, she prevents her mother from suicide and tells her father his wife is depressed.

About the ML
It's Crow, a raven. XD

He's a magician boy whose dad experimented on him, he died and became a ghost. A doctor helped him stabilize and after that, he just strolls around since he cannot speak and people cannot see him. After some time, people who have magic disappear and no one can see him. One day he obtains a puppet and enters inside. He has a new body, (he transform himself into a raven to be free of his movement) while he enjoys his life and body and century or millennia (i don't know) alone, he meets Ilya in the loop where she kills herself.

He observes her and wants to help her but he doesn't know how. After her death he was depressed and found the doctor (who is still alive, we don't know how) and discussed the time loop. He tries using his power and succeeds, after that he chases her through different loops.

At first, he wanted to remove the bad aftertaste of his mouth to see Ilya's life. After some time he starts to really care about her.

About the time loop
Ilya isn't a prisoner of a time loop, her soul traverses dimensions instead. We don't know why or how yet. That explains why Ilya didn't have a good ending in each loop. The character isn't the same, there are some differences like her friend who have a good relationship with her fiance or not. The dimensions are all different so Ilya cannot predict what happens.

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