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I stormed out of the office. What a huge jerk that guy is. Peggy and Daniel quickly followed me and I dropped into one of the chairs in my office.
"Rose, I don't understand what you see in him." said Peggy.
"Honestly, neither do I." I stared straight ahead as Jack walked out of the office. He looked at me and I held up my middle finger. He seemed to sigh and looked the other way.

Peggy thought we should ask Howard for help. The whole house was full of women. I take back what I said about how he had changed. He is not. He came up to us pretty quickly and seemed happy to see me.
"Good to see you outside your bed, sis." I gave him a fake smile.
"Have you quite finished fannying about? We have work to do." Peggy said.
"I am working. It's called thinking. They help me think." I rolled my eyes and one of the 500 girls came up to us. I shooshed her away.
"We need to find out more about the Arena Club. Who's a member, who's a friend, who's an enemy, and most important of all, what do they talk about behind all those closed doors?"
"I'll tell you what they talk about... Buying low, selling high, and gout."
"I want to plant listening devices in the club and let them incriminate themselves."
"Well, that sounds boring. You want something jazzier. Besides, that club is men only, remember? And you'll have complications pulling that off."
"My plan will have enough jazz for your liking, and believe me... You won't be bored."

Howard told all of his girlfriends to dress up. His plan was to let them all into the club, to keep the owner distracted. I thought it was an amazing plan. He and Jarvis went into the club first. I stood somewhere in the middle of the group outside, a lot of people would probably recognize me because of the announcement Jackie made, a few months ago. The door flew open and we all went in. It was the most boring club ever. I looked at a few old guys who were asleep, but Peggy pulled my arm.
"Come with me." She gave me 3 listening devices. I had no idea where to put them. I just went the other way. I put one behind a painting in the hallway and kept waiting for Peggy. She didn't come. I began feeling a little worried after a few minutes. I heard footsteps and quickly went behind a wall. A lot of men stepped out. I waited behind the wall 'till I heard footsteps again. Finally it was Peg.
"Where have you been?" I asked her. She was about to answer me when some kind of bodyguard came in.
"You're not supposed to be in here." I was about to say something when Jarvis came running after him.
"Miss Wendy! Miss Mary! The powder room is that way." He said. I was the first to answer.
"Oh, no, we got lost again, I'm so sorry, sir. I'm the stupidest girl ever!" I said with a high voice.
"I get really confused around books!" Peggy said and I almost dragged her with me.

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