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I picked up my bag, ready to turn towards the exit. To finally go home after a long day and jump on the couch with a book or something. But no, of course I can't.
"Rose? You still there?"
I pursed your lips slightly, considering not answering and just quietly escaping the building. Another sigh brushed against my lips as I knew I couldn't do that, he was pretty much my boyfriend, I can't just ignore him.
"Yeah, Jack?"
He peaked his head out of the office and urged me to come inside.
"I was wondering if you could help me with a certain case." I didn't know if he really needed help, or if it was an excuse. He knew I wouldn't let him in my house. I just nodded and took the file that he handed to me, looking at the contents inside. It was Howard's file. Shit, I can't help him with this.
"But he-"
"I feel like we almost got him!" He actually looked kind of excited.
"Okay, fine." I sat down on a chair next to him. He was trying to crack some kind of code, I don't think I could help him with that.
"I've tried everything, but I can't figure it out." He threw the one papers towards me. Peggy could probably decipher it.

So, I helped him with the case, as much as I could without betraying Howard. We found something about the battle of Finow. Jack's pretty sure it has something to do with it. His whole desk was covered in papers and he sweated a little. I looked at the code one more time.
"Did we try Russian codes yet?" I asked him. He didn't move.
"I don't know, I feel like we've tried everything." I remembered how Bucky once tried to teach me Russian. Not that he was so good at it, but he could speak it a little. My fingers moved slowly over the paper as I mumbled some things. They looked like coordinates, but which ones? 35, no, 53 degrees north. This was actually going great! I sat up straighter in my chair and continued translating. 27 degrees west. Apparently Jack knew I was doing something because he looked up from his desk and listened to my mumbling.
"Purchase confirmed." I said, a little louder so Jack could listen in.
"Leviathan, $100000 American payable to..." I froze for a moment.
"Howard Stark..." Jack almost jumped out of his chair.
"We got him! We got him selling weapons to the Russians!" I was a little confused, I'm sure there was an explanation for this, but I couldn't find it.
Jack looked so excited that he suddenly kissed me. Full on the lips. We just sat there, without knowing if someone was looking at us. I don't think he cared.
His fingers started to fiddle with the buttons on my shirt, successfully opening one. His lips joined mine again, this time more bruising and passionate.

Soulmates - Jack ThompsonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon