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It had been a long day already, and the day just started. Well, actually it was the late afternoon. This morning I saw mr Jarvis practicing his, what would I call it... fighting skills again, unfortunately. That suit he was wearing... I felt bad for Ana. Just kidding... Am I?

"Plans for the evening?" I sat on the bed as Ana was searching outfits for Peggy.
"Just work, but I'm told I must look swanky."
"Hmm. What are the other agents wearing?"
"I'm going alone. Chief Sousa... has other plans."
"There are no other agents?"
"Well, he's the only one that matters. I mean, that... that would be useful, that is to say."
I couldn't hold back anymore.
"She's going on a date!" I said as I fell down on the bad. I had been doing that for the last 10 minutes. Ana nodded proudly and Peggy tried to deny it, but Ana believed me anyway.
"Where are you going?"
"The Dunbar Hotel." Ana gasped.
"Wonderful spot! Do you dance? I prefer the east coast swing, but Edwin is quite adept at the collegiate shag. These won't do for dancing."
"Oh, no, I'm not dancing. I'm simply meeting an informant." I rolled my eyes when Peggy wasn't looking.
"Hmm. Sounds dangerous."
"No, he's a scientist."
"Oh, very dull, then." Peggy chuckled. Now we're getting somewhere.
"Well, he's rather amusing, actually. He's a genius, absolutely. A bit odd. He's very interesting. It's nice to interact with someone outside the SSR. It's been a long time since..."
"um, sorry. Uh, what were you saying? This will be perfect." Ana held a dress in front of her. I clapped my hands. It looked great on her.

I took Peggy apart after she dressed up.
"Don't forget, I'll be waiting." She nodded. I insisted on going on this mission with her, but since she was going on a date, I couldn't be there the whole time. First, it would be weird. And second, how would Wilkes ever trust her when her friend was following her non stop? I by the way learned that his first name was Jason.

"I do wish you'd allow me to drive you, Miss Carter." Jarvis had been whining the whole day about driving Peggy.
"Your thirst for adventure is appreciated."

"Now, I thought Mr. Stark's leisure car would be appropriate. Couple of things I ought to show you." Jarvis opened the door and Peggy sat down in the drivers seat. He cleared his throat.
"This button here is in case you find yourself... Dehydrated." He pressed the button and a bottle of wine came out. I slapped my hand against my forehead. Why was my brother such a weirdo?
"Howard Stark becomes more ridiculous the longer I know him." Jarvis moved his finger to another button.
"This button here adjusts the tints of the windows for extra privacy, there's a small compartment in the back with a change of clothes, and this is what Mr. Stark affectionately refers to as his... Sock on the doorknob."
"His what?"
"It's a tracking device. Mr. Stark activates it when he's abandoned the car for the evening because he's found companionship." I scoffed.
"When I think Howard has reached the depths of depravity, you did up a wellspring, Mr. Jarvis. Uh, radio?" Peggy wanted to press on another button. Jarvis talked with an high-pitched voice: "No."
"Oh!" It was too late. Peggy's seat fell down.
"Good lord, is that a mirror?" I started laughing.

I was really nervous for the mission. I didn't know what to wear or how to prepare. I'd never been on a planned mission before. Luckily I had Ana to help me. As I was wondering how Peggy and Jason were doing, she looked for the best outfit. We talked for a long time, until she found some pants and a blouse. I gave her a thumbs up and changed immediately.

I was standing at the back of the building. Only Jarvis, Peggy and Ana knew I was here. Sousa told me to stay out of it, I know, very nice, and Howard did the same, but in a friendlier way. So I just sneaked out. Suddenly I heard a car. I was sure Peggy and Jason were still in the building. It couldn't be them. I slowly reached for my gun and looked at where the sound came from. There were multiple men, it looked like they were about to go into the building. I noticed a window, not that far away. I reached for it and managed to open it without making any sound. I waited in the room, until I heard the men's footsteps approaching. I jumped out of the room and immediately kicked one in the face, since he was standing right in front of me. He fell down, screaming in pain. His colleague pointed his gun at me, but I jumped as he fired and punched him from behind. I was so proud of myself and looked at the men, lying on the ground in pain. Then I noticed there were only two! Stupid me. I locked the door behind me and raced into the hallway. I heard gunshots and saw Peggy and Jason running. I shot at the window, so that they could jump. They did and I ran after them. On my way I shot one of the guys. I landed right between Peg and Wilkes.
"Hello, Jason." I said. He slowly waved at me. The men started running out of the building. I grabbed my gun again and shot them one by one. Jason joined in as Peggy ran to the back.
"Oh, bloody hell!"
"What? What are you doing?" I asked, panicking.
"Sending an S.O.S." She did, but the car was ruined by the men.
"I parked the car not that far away." I said. Jason already ran away, but first,  I pulled some wires and pressed a few buttons in the others' car. I also opened the hood and shot in the engine. There. Perfect. That'll teach them a lesson.

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