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"Thompson!" I heard someone yelling from outside my office. It's been a few days and we almost got Howard! And the blondine from the party. I put my hands in my pockets and walked over to Sousa, who was apparently the one yelling.
"Look at this." He showed me a picture of the blondine, but he colored her hair darker. Next to the picture was Carters file. He pointed to two scars on both shoulders. I clapped in my hands.
"That's it! She's the blondine! Great work Sousa!" I wanted to grab my coat and arrest Marge, but Sousa called me back.
"I think you might want to see this too." Two other files appeared. It was Rose's file. He opened both and pointed at the pictures.
"They are the exact same people." I felt my heart beating faster. She had nothing to do with it, I'm sure. I first looked at her name. Rose Hayley Maguire, that's definitely her. Then I looked at the other file. Rosalynn Torrey... Stark. My heart sunk. She was Howard's sister.
"Fuck!" I couldn't help it. I ran with my hand through my hair. It all made sense now. I wasn't allowed to come in her house, not because of Peggy, but because of Howard. The house indeed was one of Stark's houses and the rich brother... Yeah, you get it.
"Sousa, come with me. Yauch, Li, Ramirez, get your coat and guns." I acted tough, like always, but I felt betrayed.

We rang the doorbell. They didn't answer immediately, so I knocked too. It hurt my fists, but I didn't care. As I expected, Rose answered the door.
"Get your friend and your brother, we're arresting you." She looked shocked, but she was only acting like it. When I pointed my gun at her, she went to get both, I thought.
"I said your brother too."
"He's not here." She's lying. Again.
"Look through the whole house." Sousa and I stayed with the ladies. Peggy tried to resist, but I realized by now that they weren't made of sugar and gave her a hard kick in her stomach.
"Thompson, take it easy!" Sousa is just such a wimp. Everyone knew about his little crush on Carter. Rose looked at me, I saw she looked scared. I didn't care, but I couldn't hurt her for some reason.
The other agents came back, but without Stark.
"Where is he?!" I screamed at the girls.
"Thompson, let's wait till we're in the office." Sousa said. I saw the neighbours looking at us.
"What is happening, Jack?" I heard from the back seat.
"Shut up!" I called back. Nothing was said for the rest of the ride.

When we got back to the office, Sousa took Peggy by the arm and I ordered Yauch to take Rose. The other Rose seemed quite surprised when we burst in, as did the other agents. We threw them both in a room, but I took Rose into the interrogation room first. Sousa followed me, but I waved him away.

I handcuffed her to the table because I knew that if she attacked me, I could do nothing back.
"I won't hurt you, Jack." She said calmly, I doubted that.
"I'll hurt you." That was a lie and she knew it.
"Before we begin, why?" I sat down on the table.
"How could I know you liked me? I wasn't meant to lie to you."
"You just did, for weeks already." I felt anger rise.
"I can't believe I trusted you! You're nothing more than a dirty liar!" She seemed a little hurt.
"What was I supposed to do then? Report my brother and friend so that I could give the boy I met a few weeks ago a little less trouble?!" The boy I met a few weeks ago? That hurt.
"You could have known so easily that I was lying! I was constantly giving you directions without me realizing it. It's your own stupid fault."
"Well, I'm sorry for not realizing that my girlfriend was a big traitor!" It hurt, even though they were my own words, I knew it was all true. I just didn't want to believe it. She also seemed to realize she was wrong. I slid off the table and leaned against the wall. What should I say now? Should I just interrogate her? I sighed deeply and began the interrogation.

Soulmates - Jack ThompsonWhere stories live. Discover now