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The next day I sat with Peggy in one of the living rooms. I'be never been more bored in my life since I'm pretty much locked in my own house. Only Peggy, Howard and mr. Jarvis will talk to me, and let's just say Howard doesn't have the best stories. Unless you want to hear each of his adventures with different women, but that'll take your whole life.
"Okay, I know something to do." Peggy said as she raised herself up on the couch. She just fell off.
"We can give everyone we know different nicknames, let's start with Howard." I stared at the ceiling. Howard... Genius... playboy... Gosh, I'm bad at this.
"He actually asked me for a nickname not this long ago. The only thing he came up with was Howie." Peggy laughed.
"You know what? I'm calling him Howie from now on."

Next was Jarvis, we came up with mr Fancy. Sousa was Teddy according to Peggy. Because he's as soft as a Teddy, cute. She came up with one for Thompson pretty quick. Agent Asshole. I love it. It's my favorite so far, but I probably won't call him that when he's around... We didn't do ourselves, I call her English and she calls me Stark or more genius than my brother. That's just to tease Howard, I never understood one of his 'genius' inventions or formulas.

"Rose?" She suddenly said.
"How are your fighting skills?" I shrugged.
"Not bad, I suppose."
"Show me." She stood up. I'm not going to fight her. She's double as strong as a normal man.
"Come on, or are you scared?"
"Absolutely not." I also stood up. We looked each other in the eye, I had to hold my laughter.
"Go!" I kicked her in her stomach, rolled over when she tried to hit me back and punched her under her chin. Again she tried to hit me, but I jumped, made a somersault and landed behind her. I kicked her from behind and she fell on the couch.
"Omg, I'm sorry, are you okay?" I yelled when she fell. I didn't realize I kicked her that hard...
"Wow, you're good at this!" I helped her up. "I did let you win of course." I rolled my eyes.
"Of course."
"Seriously, you're really good. I bet you're better than most men in my office. Okay, I'm taking that back, you're better than all men in my office." I wanted to laugh, but she had a serious face. That really means she's not lying.
"I'm gonna introduce you to chief Dooley tomorrow."
"Peg... You're forgetting something." She looked confused.
"I'm the sister of Howard Stark. How am I supposed to lie about my name to them?"
"Steve did that all the time, I can help you."

Ok, this was a really short chapter, but I'm out of ideas😫. Also, this part has been written so bad, I don't know why, I guess it's not really my day today😂

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