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I was at the airport with Daniel and Jack. Howard had flown to L.A. a while ago and now lives there. Then I don't have to pay for a house, since I can just live there. "Promise to call me when you arrive." Jack said, placing a kiss on my head.
"Of course, Jack." I said.
"Have fun." I said hello and gave him another hug and then followed Daniel. Howard had sent a plane, so we were all alone with a few other colleagues.

"Did you know that Jack really is a better person now that he's with you?" Sousa asked as I sat down next to him.
"What?" His gaze averted from the window.
"That he no longer makes nasty comments or embarrasses people."
"I don't think so." He shook his head.
"Anyway, while we're on the subject of love, how are you and Peggy?" He sighed. That was not a good sign.
"Have you asked her out yet?" He nodded.
"She wouldn't." Oh dear.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I really thought she would."
"It's not your fault." We both looked out the window. The plane was taking off and we were flying through the clouds. It looked cheerful.
"Have you already arranged a house or an apartment?" Daniel asked after a while.
"Yeah, my brother has a villa in L.A., so I'll stay there."
"You're lucky again with your rich brother, aren't you?" He chuckled.
"You're very welcome to come, too."
"No thanks, I already have something else." "You should know for yourself."

The rest of the flight we talked about anything and everything. Work, the climate in Los Angeles, all there is to do... At least I won't be bored. I am also excited about my new job. Finally no more delivering coffee. It did feel a bit stupid that Jack never offered me to do anything else or at least get his coffee himself. But I decided to go there. Not to complain and just enjoy my 'vacation'. I thought it counted as a vacation, but then I just have to work.

The plane started to descend again. I saw the clouds again through the windows. Not much later we were back on the ground. I soon saw a black car, with Mr Narvis next to it. He waved enthusiastically as if his life depended on it. I walked straight towards Jarvis, Daniel walked behind me.

"Hello, Mr Jarvis, all right with you?" "Especially now that you are here. I'm terribly bored here." I chuckled."Luckily I'm here now, would you mind dropping Daniel off?" He opened the door for us."I'd be happy to do it." I sat down next to the driver's seat and Daniel sat behind us. Jarvis was just complaining the whole ride."Miss Stark, you have no idea how foreign Los Angeles will seem to a civilized person such as yourself. They eat avocados with everything." I heard Daniel laughing from the back seat."What's wrong with avocados?" I asked. He gave a small, but clearly audible cough."The foliage is preposterous. Take the palm tree. Would you trust the structural integrity of such a thing?""No, I suppose not.""They afford no shade. Everybody says it's a very dry heat, but that doesn't mean it isn't unbearably hot. And worst of all, the drivers are both abundant and abundantly irresponsible." "Oh, we're so lucky to have you mr. Jarvis." "As you should." Sousa was dropped off at his new home. It didn't look bad, but compared to Howard's villa.. Let me not brag too much about how rich my brother is. This house was possibly even bigger than my house is New York, which is actually his. "Thanks for the ride, Mr. Jarvis." "It's my pleasure." Howard was already waiting inside. "Were you too lazy to come and get me yourself?" A grin came to his face and he stretched out his arms."I have an excuse.""It better be good." I gave him a hug."I was organizing a party." "That'll do." He said and he smirked.

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