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A/N: I just noticed the 1D song. Don't even know why it's there.

The next day I woke up quite excited. I felt like working, which I normally wasn't at all. Last night I lay awake for quite a while over that frozen lake, but I decided to talk to Daniel about it tomorrow, if he hadn't heard about it already. Ana had already laid out one of my new outfits.

The office was at a Theatrical Agency. When I entered I saw Rose already sitting at her desk, with a bunch of gymnasts in front of her. She seemed bored, but as soon as she saw me she stood up. Because she acted so enthusiastically, the pyramid of gymnasts flipped over, all on top of me. Rose put a hand to her mouth and helped me up.
"Hey, namesake! Sorry about that..." She turned to the gymnasts, who got up with difficulty.
"Sorry, I'm afraid this isn't what Mr. Auerbach is looking for. Bye." She raised her hand. I had to laugh at how she handled that.
"They've been coming here all day, we haven't even placed an ad!" She walked ahead of me to an archive. A staircase appeared.

"Good morning, Stark." Daniel said cheerfully as I walked up the stairs. I hadn't seen him this happy in a while. I decided to wait a little longer with my news, which he probably hadn't heard yet, otherwise he would have already brought it up.
"Morning, Daniel."
"Come on, I'll show you your office." He skipped ahead of me a bit, which seemed quite difficult with that crutch of his.
"Tadaa!" I chuckled at his enthusiasm.
"You're looking forward to it today, aren't you?"
"Ah, it's just there's no more Thompson to disapprove of every move, no offense."
"Nah, I get you, but I still miss him." "Of course, he's your boyfriend. I have to move on now, are you going to make it yourself?" I raised my thumb.
"Good, see you later." I looked around the office. It wasn't big, but I was happy with it. In New York I didn't even have my own office. There was a desk in the middle of the room, with a desk chair and a few (book)cases around it. Somewhere in the corner was a small sofa. Just big enough for the two of you to sit and if you push a little, you can also sit with the three I think. I sat down behind my desk and threw my bag on the couch. there was a telephone on the corner of my desk. I looked out the window. Jack was probably having lunch now and the lunch orders were being taken by Peggy and not by me. I kind of felt sorry for Peg. She was the only woman in the office now, the two of us were already having a hard time, but alone I think it's even worse. There weren't many here either, but at least they were treated better and that's what matters.

After a while I thought I should do something instead of staring out the window. Just as I was about to look at some documents, Daniel burst into my office with a little too much noise. Everyone looked up from their work, towards us. I smiled fakely and closed the door behind him.
"What's the matter, Sousa?"
"I just got a call, there's a lake, frozen, in the summer! And that's not all..." I put a hand to my head. I was so lost in thought that I had completely forgotten about it.
"Are you listening, Rose?" I was startled.
"Yeah right." He continued with his story.
"It also appears that a body has been found. It is a very strange situation." Yes, you can say that.
"Anyway, I'm off to one now and I was wondering if you were coming too? I could use some help." Even though it was a serious situation, I felt a smile rise. This would be my first legal mission. Of course I went!
"Count me in!" He clapped his hands once and we walked out of the office.

There were police around the lake, but there were also people just for fun. As soon as Sousa turned off the engine, an officer approached us.
"You the science cop? Detective Andrew Henry, homicide." He looked at me like I was an alien and than looked back at Sousa, who reached out his hand.
"Daniel Sousa, Strategic Scientific Reserve, this is my assistant, Rose Stark."
"Oh, I'd shake your hand, but I'm one of those suckers who catches a cold whether it's summer, spring, winter, or fall." They started walking and I walked right behind them.
"What do we got?"
"You ever hear of the lady of the lake killings?"
"Can't say I have."
"I have!" I yelled a bit too loud. I was just very excited for this.
"Nah, it's okay, tell me." Daniel said and he started walking slower so he was walking next to me.
"Two years ago, the lady of the lake killer dropped two dead women in Echo Park Lake. Led a task force with manhunts, press conferences, and everything. The killer has never been found. They never heard of them again. They just disappeared.
"Till today." The officer said, probably to get Sousa's attention.
"You found another body." He replied, but he was still walking next to me.
"Dead woman in the exact same lake. No two ways about it.."
"So why was the SSR called in?"
"If it was up to me, you'd be working on your tan right now, but my lieutenant's got a bee in his bonnet about jurisdiction. The hottest day of the year, right? Only the lake don't know it." He pointed at the frozen lake. People were playing on it. You could hear a little ice crack sometimes. I got cold from Only looking at it.

Soulmates - Jack ThompsonOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz