He said that with disappointment, which Ivona privately thought was rich of him. He had no clue how those women struggled and fought, clawing with their nails for a chance to rise and survive. He did not know what it was to be torn from his family and left with the choice to comply or be cast away.

But the Croatian did not allow any of this to show upon her face.

"I have never been one to look away from someone in trouble, Your Majesty," Ivona said, and then bit into one of the desserts on the plate. She could not withhold the moan the amazing taste prompted.

Her cheeks coloured red with embarrassment.

The Sultan, on the other hand, threw his head back and laughed.

"I am so sorry," Ivona apologised as he continued to laugh, "I just-,"

"It's just that they are so good," the Sultan said, taking one for himself and screwing his own eyes slightly at the amazing taste.

Ivona could not help but laugh too at the look on his face, promoting the Sultan to grin at her.

"Did they not have any Turkish Delights where you are from?" Sultan Suleiman asked, his gaze upon Ivona intense.

With the aim of appearing modest, Ivona moved her gaze away. "I'm afraid not," she informed the man, "Croatia has yet to be blessed with such foods."

The Sultan hummed slightly in understanding, staring her up and down with a small curve to his lips.

"Tell me," he then said, his eyes still lingering in lower places, "have you always been so beautiful and meleski?"

Ivona tilted her head, "meleski?"

His smile was one of amusement as he answered, "angelic."

Melek must mean Angel then, Ivona considered, smiling softly at the Sultan for his compliment. He viewed her just as she had wished to be seen.

"Probably not," Ivona responded, her tone that of someone telling a joke, "I fear some people in Croatia would see me as something of a terror."

The Sultan laughed loudly once more, "you? Never."

Ivona eyed the Sultan coyly, "if you like, I could show you just how unangelic I could be for you."

His eyes darkened and his breath seemed to skip at the positively ravenous look Ivona directed at him.

"Very well," the Sultan said. To his credit, his voice was even.

"If I may be so bold," Ivona said, making sure her voice was still soft and innocent, "could I ask you to stand up, Sultan?" He did as she asked, "and to take off your robe."

When he did so, undressing so that his body was completely bare, Ivona crawled on her hands and knees before him, gazing up at the Sultan through his lashes.

"What do you have planned, Meleski?" He murmured, this time his breath obviously short. Not many moments later, the Sultan seemed to lose the ability to breathe as Ivona showed him exactly what those countless hours cooped up in a room with a demanding Liljana and that dastardly banana had taught her.


Ivona grinned, sweat dripping over her pale skin, as she dismounted herself from the Sultan's lap for the fifth time that night.

From what Liljana had told her about men and their stamina - even if the other girl's experience was only oral - she supposed that she should be impressed.

When she was lying at his side, he turned to look at her, near worship shining in his eyes. Ivona giggled at his look, prompting the Sultan to narrow his eyes playfully and swing himself over so that he was on top of her.

He kissed her in numerous places, her head, her neck, her breasts, before bringing his eyes back up to meet her own.

Under his breath, he murmured, "my kelebek."

Ivona reached out a hand, carefully caressing his cheek. "What does that mean?" She inquired after several moments.

"It means butterfly," the Sultan explained, "and that butterfly is a terror who bloomed into an angel, and does such... things only for me."

Ivona laughed at the way he said 'things', as if he could not even begin to describe them. The blonde was so glad that she had been sent to his chamber before Liljana got the chance. If the brunette finally got there, then she would simply be performing what Ivona had already done.

But at least the girl could read Turkish now, even if Ivona could admit that the trade she had struck with the Moldavian had not entirely been fair.

"Is that to be my name now? It is rather beautiful," Ivona asked, hoping that it would be. Though she would always be Ivona, sister of Leon and daughter of Ana, in her heart, she knew that having a name bestowed upon her by the Sultan would only make her rise higher.

He hummed in agreement, "my Kelebek."

Just as he had said so, knocking could be heard upon his chamber door. Apparently, from what the man shouted through them, it was urgent.

"You will return here tonight," the Sultan said as he dressed, "and the next night. I will inform the Aghas and move you to the favourites wing."

"Yes, my Sultan," Ivona said, taking on the tone of seduction that Liljana had so diligently perfected with her.

From where he had started walking towards the door. The Sultan paused in his step, wide, hungry blue eyes gazing back at her.

"You will be the death of me," he said, his voice filled with longing, "my darling Kelebek."

I hope so, the blonde thought, as she watched as his chamber doors were opened and then shut solidly behind him.


Just as they had for Hürrem, all the girls gathered around Kelebek as she entered the harem. With one hand, she held her dress together at the front from where the Sultan had ripped it apart last night.

Most girls appeared to come to such a conclusion when they saw her state, Kelebek having made no effort to make her hair, smudged make up or broken dress look neater, and stared at her with reverence.

"How did it go, Ivona?" Suncana swiftly asked her, "did the Sultan fall in love with you too?"

Kelebek offered the younger girl a large smile as she said, loud enough for all those eavesdropping in the harem to hear, "His Majesty has given me a new name, Kelebek. I hope you all will have the dignity to use my new name."

She kept her tone soft and kind, though she knew some of the sharper girls would have picked up on what she was truly saying.

As everyone was taking in the new change, Sümbül Agha swiftly made his way into the harem, offering her a large smile. Clearly, the Sultan had been quick to facilitate her move.

"Kelebek Hatun," he said, his tone fond as if he hadn't threatened to throw her in the river just yesterday, "grab your things, you're moving to the favourites room."

Things were certainly looking up.

Kelebek Sultan | {SULEIMAN} Magnificent CenturyWhere stories live. Discover now