Manchester to Afghanistan.

Start from the beginning

I mean my parents did not really understand, why I studied an arts degree but, what else was I  to become. I had already advanced knowledge, with my certificate training as a nurse, I did not need the, nursing knowledge twice in one year. I shrug my shoulders, Molly's highest achievement in the army, was an award from the Queen, so Charlie told me. 

Life in Afghanistan worried my parents I know, but it was were I was, the most busy and trained well. I'd broken up with my ex boyfriend Jamie, which Elvis was only just aware of,  the thought that the world could explode at anytime was scary, but Elvis made it bearable and the special forces lads. 

My scholarship had been able to help an orphanage, close by the base camp, which I would visit shortly. I had not told Charlie about my work, there yet as I knew going, there as a female medic would be my own risk. 

We had about an hour left of the flight, it was dark outside, Elvis had shut the window near the seat, while he had fallen asleep. My world was about to change with him, he knew it to, which was why he was here in the first place. 

My best friend back home, was Jamie, now my ex, I hardly wanted anything, to do the boy. I never quite understood his controlling way's and Elvis could see, there were small thing's, I      was still tensed by. I did not want to tell him, what happened between Jamie and I but he did    not have to know, although I think Elvis knew more than I did. 

Arrival to Afghanistan. 

It had not crossed, my mind, that Elvis and Georgie, had been on tour, together while I was studying. In all honesty, I found it rather interesting. The two had been together, for three years, but broke up before the army. 

Georgie wanted her own life, she had not found, anyone back home unless she had, a secret boyfriend wandering around, somewhere in Nepal. My family had there own opinions, before Elvis came along, thankfully he turned out ok in there eyes. 

Georgie hates me a little inside, I know, I just hope she does not, want to kill us both when we return together. She told me the story of what happened and said she did not care, as long as Elvis was happy. The plane lands and we start unpacking our thing's, from the top shelves, I pass Charlie's bags, over to him and then Maisie. 

I throw my luggage behind me and cart it along, with my bag, following Elvis who is in front of us. The heatwave changed as soon as we stepped of the plane and into the car, it was late and the drive would take us at least an hour, to get to were we were staying before, arriving back at base camp in the morning, with our last car. 

I take a photo of our surroundings, the scenery was so, different in Afghanistan compared to Manchester, the city I grew up in, where I studied where I left my normal life, like my aunt Molly. My hair fell across my face as I walked, along the pathway and up over the ramp, into the airport. 

I followed Elvis all the way, keeping close by his side, I get a text from Georgie, when I look down at my phone. Good to know you, arrived and were not shot down, a pilot jet had been a few hours, just before your arrival, glad your safe and all well, looking forward to seeing you all. x 

I send her a photo back of the airport, where I had just taken, a photo over Elvis and his shoulder. That was why our pilot had waited, before landing, welcome to Afghanistan. I think    to myself. "Elvis, Georgie just informed, me why the pilot made us wait," "I know, Charlie texted me," He responds as we make our way, to find our car. "He's taking the car, behind with Maisie." 

I nod as we enter the waiting lane for the cars, to pull up, Elvis waves one in and we pack in our bags quickly leaving Charlie and Maisie to find there own way. My parents did not want me at home after my cousin had graduated, they were not happy with my choices, so I found travelling with Elvis was my plan for the next few month's in the army, I was already enjoying it, I knew he was tired tonight and that the world was about to get, more scary very soon, once I would be left on my own. 

Another Love, Captain Elvis Harte ♡Where stories live. Discover now