Robbery gone wrong | Sean x Reader

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Stumbling into the Valentine bank you practically tripped over your own feet as you wobbled over to the bank teller. Hiccuping you shouted at the man, "I- I'll have you killed Tacitus!" You slammed your hand on the counter and hiccuped again before snarling, "You goddamn cheating bastard!"

The man looked utterly confused, he raised an eyebrow and spoke softly, "Miss..? May I help you?" Y/n continued her drunken shouting, "I'll have you killed you good for nothing-" you grabbed the man's collar and pulled him towards you yelling in his face.

It didn't take long before he left his position behind the counter and started escorting you to the door. Once you were feet away from the door you slipped out a pistol strapped to your leg under your dress. Holding it to the man's bottom jaw you shouted, "Ennis!" It was the code word for Sean to come into the bank with you.

In seconds the redhead burst through the creaky doors, duel wielding pistols. You shoved the bank teller towards him and the man collided into Sean. "Tie him up and I'll take care of the safes," He snickered and complimented fondly, "You was always good with lock picking," Y/n rushed off to the safe room, twisting the doorknob you rolled your eyes, "Not the time,"

After a few minutes you were down to 2 safes left with a pretty 5,000 in your satchel. Then, you heard what you never want to hear during a bank robbery. Sean peaked his head through the door and whispered, "Two lawmen outside, they're both on horses," Y/n groaned and stood up, "We have enough- lets kill 'em and go,"

Sean nodded and turned around, spinning the revolver in his right hand. As you walked past the tied up bank teller you pistol whipped him so he wouldn't be able to rat you both out immediately. "Jesus woman remind me to not get on your bad side!" You gave him a reprimanding look for joking around on a job and sighed, "We can't leave loose ends dumb ass- now let's kill the law and leave."

You both dropped down to a near crawl and hid behind the wooden frame of the windows facing the 2 officers. Making eyes contact with Sean you nodded and almost in sync you both busted the front windows and shot at the 2 men. You'd been working with Maguire on his aim for the past few weeks so you both had gotten head shots.

Bursting through the door you whistled for your new horse, looking around frantically you saw more blue uniforms ridding in from the distance but not your new horse. "Goddamn we were too slow-" You looked over at Sean and asked, "Where did you leave Enn-" you were cut off by the sound of a bullet and blood being sprayed all over you. It took you a second to realize what had happened, "S-Sean-?" Y/n blinked twice and looked down at the floor and saw the man clutching his shoulder, hissing in pain.

Y/n's mind was going a mile a minute, she looked around to see 5 more men coming in on horses, she managed to kill 2 and wound 3 with her pistol. She leaned over and picked up the Irishman, letting him lean on her, "You can walk right?" He nodded faintly and winced as his wounded shoulder soaked through his shirt, vest, and jacket.

You didn't have much time and the camp was over at Clemmins point and you're here in Valentine. Hoping onto one of the dead lawman's horse, you felt a bullet graze past you. Y/n yanked Sean up onto the saddle with her. You spurred the horse so hard it almost drew blood, but it did exactly what you expected it to, bolt. In fact it booked it so effectively your passenger was almost flown off.

Sean wrapped his uninjured arm around your waist so tightly that he almost took you with him. "Sean-" you yelled over the wind whipping past your face, "you have to stay awake okay? Just keep breathing," Her eyebrows scrunched up as her brain struggled to process what had happened. It all was in literal minutes, cracking the safes, the lawmen... And Sean. She gripped onto the reins even harder and whipped the horse, it was now at full speed. You reared the horse into the brush, trying to find a place to set up camp. You felt Sean completely slumped over on your back, his cheek squished against your shoulder blade.

Slowing the horse down Y/n stopped in a small grassy clearing surrounded by trees. Sliding off the saddle she helped Sean off Ennis and took a deep breath. "Sean? Can you hear me?" He lazily nodded and slumped over onto you, his left arm was completely dripping in crimson blood. You rested him onto a tree trunk and and took out your knife, "You have to stay awake," Your gaze bore into him and you cupped his cheek, gently shaking him, forcing his eyes to open. "Count to 50 for me okay? I just need to stop the bleeding," Hastily you took off your shoe, using your knife you cut a strip of fabric off your shirt.

Y/n began to assemble a makeshift tourniquet, she looked down at Sean who mumbled numbers gruffly to himself, "This is going to hurt, but you cant bleed out anymore or else you could loose that arm," She spoke softly and in the most soothing way possible. Grabbing a branch fallen from the tree Maguire was slumped on she handed it to him to bite on to help the pain in some way.

Gingerly Y/n rolled up his sleeve, being as careful as possible as it passed above the wound. She tied the tourniquet above the wound, tying the cloth around the boot she began to turn it, twisting the cloth causing it to tighten around his arm and cutting off circulation. Sean huffed out of his nose and soon yelped in pain as the tourniquet completely tightened, he gripped onto your shoulder and pressed his forehead against your neck, cursing under his breath as he adjusted to the pain. She knew how badly a tourniquet hurts, its worse than the initial pain of a bullet tearing through your flesh. She stroked the back of his head and whispered, "I just have to clean the wound. You'll be okay darling,"

Tearing through her satchel she pulled out her canteen of clean water and whiskey. Washing the blood off his arm she used her shirt to wipe off the watery blood. Sean had finally reached fifty, his breath was heavy against your neck, he was certainly in pain but it was better than losing the arm. "This is gonna sting a bit okay? I'll take off the tourniquet next," He nodded his head, bracing for the pain his finger nails dug into the skin of your shoulder. You poured the whiskey over the bullet hole, there was no need to remove a bullet because of the clear exit wound on the other side of his arm. She poured whiskey on the exit wound and Sean sunk his teeth into your shirt, the alcohol cleansing his wound. You felt his teeth sink into you as you poured the whiskey, "I'm almost done, I promise," She leaned into his ear as she spoke trying to soothe him. You put your hand on his chest and gently pushed him back onto the tree. He looked up at you with hazy eyes, now that he wasn't losing blood anymore he seemed to be coming back to consciousness.

Grabbing the fishing pole in Ennis' saddle bag Y/n used her knife to cut the clear hardy line. Bending back down in front of Sean she threaded the line into a needle found in her bag. He saw the needle and groaned, he croaked, "I thouht we were almost done," You looked into his eyes and nodded, "I'm just closing it and wrapping it up, it wont hurt after this I promise," He gave you a look of mistrust but mumbled, "Thank you..." You made quick work of the stitching, Sean tensed up under you and growled into your neck, "Fuckfuckfuck," You sighed and tied the knot moving to the exit wound, "You're okay darling, I'm close to finishing," If you weren't in this situation Sean would've been laughing his ass off at that. But he was instead hissing is pain, pressing his forehead against you. Completely closing the wound you wrapped his arm in gauze and sliced through the fabric of the tourniquet.

He removed his face from you neck and looked up at you. Your faces were inches away, he swallowed hard and pulled you into a kiss. It didn't even last a second, or long enough for you to reciprocate, he mumbled, more than embarrassed, "If you were anyone else I'd probably be dead or bleedin' out, thank you..."

Y/n looked down at him and smiled, she didn't say anything before pulling him into a longer kiss. Pinning him against the tree trunk she tangled her other hand into his orange hair. She grinned and lingered for a moment before sitting down in front of him, "You owe me more than a thanks Maguire," He blushed and shook his head, going right back to fucking with you, "You talk to damn much woman, you don't even know what your implying,"

Y/n raised an eyebrow and smirked, "Why don't we set up camp and see if I'm bluffing?" Sean immediately shot up and got to work setting up a tent.

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