Working on my aim | sean x reader

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Sean had been rescued from the bounty hunters back in blackwater just last week. After that night there was never a quiet moment in camp. Whether it's him arguing with Karen, patronizing Kieran, or just being himself he could never keep his mouth shut.

But it was a welcome change to y/n, day to day life had gotten a little boring. There was no one who could take it and dish it out as well as Sean. Arthur always teased John but when you do it he takes it too personally. Lenny's fun for a bit but then he starts talking all philosophically and it gets a little boring.

But now that Maguire was back in town y/n finally had her partner in crime back. Of course Arthur didn't enjoy babysitting them again, he did enjoy the redheads company after thinking that he had been gone for good.

But today Dutch had told you to get the Irishman back to work. He had gotten a little rusty after being tied to a tree for a month or 2... or 3. As you two rode off to somewhere more remote and away from Valintine with empty bottles supplied by Bill and uncle in your saddle bags you teased him, "Your aim was never good in the first place... I don't think we're gonna get to far,"

He rolled his eyes and stroked Ennis' mane, "Yeah yeah- keep talkin' L/n I might just slip up and put a bullet in yeh," You raised an eyebrow in surprise as you spurred your horse, "Ooo? Was that a threat? Shiver me Timbers!"

He let out a little snort and sighed, "I can never get a break with you can I?" Y/n smirked and shook her head, "Nope. Never," He chuckled and sped up, Enis barely feet in front of you, "All this shite you're talking- it's gonna be mighty embarrassing when you only shoot 2 bottles,"

You turned into the woods, Sean having to circle back and follow behind you, "Maguire- I bet the entire bowl of slop Pearson gives us tonight that you won't hit a single bottle," Sean laughed, "Be careful with that confidence lass! I don't want ye' to starve!"

Hitching your horse on a nearby tree you slid off your saddle, grabbing some of the glass bottles. "Alright leprechaun show me what you've got," y/n said, placing the bottles on an old window cell of a dilapidated house. Sean stood a good 10 feet away and pulled his gun out of its holster.

After a few shots

all 10 bottles stood.

You leaned onto a nearby by tree and looked away from the flustered red head, putting your hand over your mouth to muffle your cackles. "W-wow Sean!" You giggled as you wobbled over to him, his blue eyes bore into you, "Oh it's real fokin funny eh?" You threw out your hands in defense and laughed, "No, no! You've got me all wrong!"

He 'smacked' your shoulder, more of an aggressive pat, full of spite he spoke, "Then do it your self!" Y/n sighed, "We're here for you Maguire, not me," as she spoke she drew her cattleman and in seconds a bottle shattered and glass shards flew to the ground below.

Putting her gun back in it's holster she dusted off her hands, "Alright Maguire, first lesson of the day," y/n paused standing behind him, "It's all in the stance," she crossed her arms nodding her head, "So get in your normal position,"

He did so but huffed, "I don't like the power dynamic going on here," you got close to him and giggled placing a hand on his elbow and bending it to the correct position, "Dutch's orders kid, I don't make the rules," she almost immediately got rid of her joking tone and demeanor and returned to a stern voice, "Your elbows can't be locked like that or else the kickback will throw off your aim every time you fire"

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