Brontes party | Dutch x reader

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Y/n, Arthur, Dutch, Hosea and Bill were ridding in a carriage, driven by Lenny to the Saint Denis mafia man's house party. Angelo Bronte, Y/n sat next to Dutch glancing at him every now and then. She fiddled with the her frilly cuffed sleeves, her corset felt so constricting, her collar was almost suffocating.

Taking a deep breath she stared at the floor tuning out the others conversation. They didn't know. You bit your lip and nervously twirled your hair around your fingers. You were the heir to Saint Denis Italian mafia, Y/n Bronte. Your father wasn't happy that his heir was a women, and you certainly weren't the house maid type. Everyday you'd argue and argue, he'd yell at you if you didn't wear a dress or cook his dinners.

It was a horrible 18 years, even if it was surrounded in luxury. Eventually he banished you from the estate, expecting you to come crawling back to him after you learned the hardships of life. You hadn't. It's been 9 years and he hasn't heard a word from you. And here you are, with a gang of outlaws, one of whom you were 'romantically' involved with. You and Dutch had been engaged for almost 3 years, you had never told him about your 'family' life, or your 18 years of imprisonment.

You leaned on his shoulder and brushed your hair behind your ear. Mary-Beth had, in her words 'dolled' you up. Just what your father always wanted you to be. Hosea gave you a curious look and leaned back in the red silk booth, "Y/n? You look paler than usual," you didn't look up at him and shifted around, practically burying your face in Dutch's sleeve, "It's the makeup..." you spoke, your voice muffled.

Arthur gave Dutch a curious look and Bill seemed to awkward in his suit to say anything. Y/n kept avoiding eye contact, the carriage stopped and Lenny hoped out, "I'm sorry... I just don't like Angelo that much," Summers opened the door and everyone filed out. Everyone started to walk towards the balcony the mob boss was on and you and Dutch stayed behind.

He grabbed your chin with his thumb and gently lifted your head, making you look at him, "What ever is bothering you sweetheart, if something here goes wrong I'll be here to protect you, alright?" Dutch looked at you differently compared to everyone else, his dark brown eyes seemed more kind than his normal stern look. He gave you a soft kiss and you started walking towards the house.

The entire time you hid behind Dutch, you could feel your heart racing as your heels clicked on the marble floor. He opened the door and you had to consciously force yourself to keep walking towards him. Y/n closed her eyes, taking deep breaths, her gut dropped and an explosion of nervousness bubbled over in her stomach, crawling up her throat. Dutch stopped a few feet away from Bronte and the two shook hands, then Dutch turned to introduce you, "This is my fiancée, Y/n F/L/N (fake last name)"

Bronte laughed and took his cigar out his mouth, a cloud of smoke wafting out of his mouth. "Oh she doesn't need an introduction," You couldn't even meet his gaze, you stared at his expensive leather shoes. "mia figlia!" (My daughter) He smiled, it was sickening, he raised his arms out for a hug and awkwardly forced you into one. Y/n stiffened, "You finally decided to come back?" His voice hissed in your ear, as he released you, you finally looked up at him.

Y/n gave her father a disgusted look, she whispered to him, you growled, "non toccarmi mai, cazzo" (never fucking touch me) Dutch knew you spoke Italian but out of the almost decade of knowing you've only sung songs to yourself, but that was only when you were devastated, they were always lullaby's for a child. He never asked why.

Bronte looked down at you in disappoint taking a drag out of his cigar, "Your gang isn't holding her captive?" Dutch crossed his arms and stood a little taller, straightening his posture, "No, we're here for Jack. The boy?" Angelo opened his eyes in realization, his laugh was long and drawn out, "Oh-? You haven't told them Y/n?" He laughed, "That you're my daughter?" He ran his fingers through his slicked back hair and snickered, "oh that's rich!"

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