Around the fire | Arthur x Reader

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It was a regular Thursday night at horseshoe over look, the cliques of the gang congregating around the fire or the poker table. Javier had his guitar out and was humming softly along with the gentle buzz of the strings. Sometimes he would whisper the lyrics, just another sound to compliment the symphony of crickets and soothing crackling of the fire.

Y/n sat on the log placed across from the fireplace yawning as the moon hung lazily in the sky, clouds swirling around it. You kept sharing glances with Hosea, after Arthur and him tried to hunt that bear and Hosea gave him that game map Morgan was no where to be found.

You looked into the fire as it snaked back and forth, the warm light flickered slightly as the wind whipped the flames back and forth. "What if some wolfs got to him?" Hosea sighed looking over at you from across the fire, "I know Arthur better than anyone here- he's just taking his time drawing everything he sees in that little journal of his."

Sean, who was sitting  to the right of you on a log laughed, holding out his whiskey, "sounds like someone needs a drink eh lass?" You gave him a look and took the bottle taking a swig but wincing at the taste, you coughed slightly and groaned.

"I know you think this is funny don't you Maguire?" He took his bottle back and snickered, "Never! For all we know the Pinkertons caught him!" Hosea this time, gave him the signature look of disappointment. Javier laughed and stopped playing for a moment, "Arthur should've just left you hanging with those bounty hunters,"

Sean hiccuped and groaned, "It ain't funny! I could've died!" Y/n chuckled, "You sound like Kieran with all that whining you're doing," Sean rolled his eyes.

A few minutes had passed sense anyone had spoken, you looked over at Javier as he sung along to a song he played, but the lyrics were in Spanish so you didn't understand a word of it. You waited until he finished his tune and asked, "Do you mind if I try? I know a few songs."

Javier raised an eyebrow, "Really?-" grabbing the guitar by its neck he handed it to you. As carefully and gingerly as you could you held it, resting it on your lap. Hosea observed with interest but didn't say anything, Sean had gone off with Karen to Johns tent doing god knows what, so there was no small talk.

You played a few chords and messed around with some plucking patterns to make up for the years of not even touching an instrument. Soon, mussel memory had kicked in and you started playing a song you made for an old lover from before you joined the gang.

You knew Hosea or Javier wouldn't make fun of you for the mushy lyrics so you started to sing softly. Y/n was more than focused, the song had brought up old memories but at the same time, it reminded you of... of Arthur.

"I will not ask you where you came from I will not ask and neither would you." You lost yourself in the song, going into full auto pilot as your mind wandered. You knew nothing of Arthur or his past, why he was in the gang, what he was 'digging'. The lyrics from 16 year old you somehow matched up with the here and now.

Y/n felt a rustling next to her as someone sat down next to her on the log, the leather hat with the twisted strip of leather around its brim immediately registered. It was Morgan. You couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, you and Hosea were like father and daughter, Javier like a brother, but with Arthur? You didn't know who he was to you. And here you were singing a song that was basically about your 'relationship' (if you could even call it that) right next to him.

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