My Brother's Keeper

Start from the beginning

"Get out, lurker!" said Caroline, throwing something at him

"Ouch" whispered Damon "Where's professor Shane?" 

"Check the judges table" said Caroline 

"Red one, definitely" said Damon

"We've already agreed that the red ones a little bit too showy" said Caroline 

"It's a pageant, that's the whole point" said Damon

"Did you win Miss Mystic last year?" asked Caroline 

"Last I checked, it was you" I said, to Caroline 

"Neither did you. You wore blue" said Damon to me

Caroline sighed "Nobody cares what you think" 

"I care" said April

"See? April cares. Red, right, Y/n?" asked Damon

"I mean, it's a little revealing, but uh, it's pretty, I guess" I said

"And my work here is done" said Damon, leaving

"Uh, what happened to 30 seconds ago when you hated the red one? What happened to "safe's good'" asked Caroline

"It's uh, it's your choice April. Don't choose wisely, choose smartly" I said, getting out and going after Damon 

"Damon" I said

"Still here" he said, down the stairs

"We should talk" I said

Damon nodded "Stefan told me about the breakup. I'd say I'm sorry, but I'm not" 

"What did he tell you?" I asked

"Oh, you know, stuff. The guy just went on and on about it. Wouldn't shut up" he said

"Did he tell you why?" I asked

"Nope, but I'm sure it has something to do with you acting weird, why don't you tell me?" asked Damon 

"" I said

Damon smirked and sighed

"Damon Salvatore" said Shane, coming here

"Right when we were having a moment, damn" I said under my breath, I heard Damon chuckle 

"Looks like we're traveling the same circuit" said Shane 

"Professor Shane. Just the guy I wanted to see" said Damon, then went with Shane. Damn. 


Now I was in the Miss Mystic Falls pageant, and Caroline was introducing the dancers. 

"Have you seen Jeremy?" asked Matt 

"Probably dealing with his new hunters curse" I said

"Caroline told me that he'd be one of the escorts and he's not here" said Matt "Did he tell you about his nightmares?" 

"Uh, no, but I've heard of them, and I know they'll fade away" I said, then I saw April going down the stairs

"I'll find Jeremy. But could you look after April?" I asked, Matt nodded, and I went to call Jeremy. 

The dance started and Caroline came over to me "Hey, what's with the last minute escort change? Where's Jeremy?"

"Caroline, you know Jeremy is a hunter now since Connor is dead. He's probably dealing with that right now, but I'm calling him" I said "But he isn't picking up"

Stuck In TVD (Stefan Salvatore/Damon Salvatore X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now