
"Mhm?" His face hid in the back of her neck.

She hesitated. "Do you think my boobs look weird?"

His face lifted from its spot behind her neck, looking confused and insulted. "Excuse me?"

"Move your hands from my boobs for a moment," she commanded, and scooped hair up to add to her braid.

He did as he was told and he searched her face through the mirror. His eyebrows were pinched together tightly.

"Look," she said, jutting her chin at her reflection. "I sometimes see these other girls' boobs and they sit so nicely and they're perky. They don't sit spread apart. Mine sit, like, spread apart. They look weird. They're not perky either. They sit—"

"They sit so motherfucking perfectly," he finished off firmly. He looked angry with her negative talk. "They sit beautifully, Takahashi. My face fits so perfectly between your tits. Your boobs were made for me."

"But they—"

"Stop it." He shook his head and silenced her. "No one's boobs sit 'perfectly,' okay? Your definition of perfect may differ to someone else's. And to me, your boobs are beyond the word perfect. So don't you dare insult me by saying what I think is perfect is weird to you. You're literal perfection, you idiot."

She was quiet because she was smiling demurely at him. "Thanks, Draco."

"I didn't say anything that wasn't true." He gave her a firm kiss on her cheek when she turned to look at him.

She continued her braid as he admired her boobs with his hands and eyes.

"Are you almost done?" Draco mumbled after several moments as his cheek pushed into her upper back. He had put her bra and shirt down, so he could hug her from behind. "I'm lacking cuddles now. You got out of bed too early."

"Go back to bed and wait for me then," she softly said as she gathered the last bit of hair before finishing off her braid.

"We came to your dorm late last night after being at the Astronomy Tower, and then we just slept. We didn't even talk before bed or read. You fell asleep on me." His voice hushed down as he exhaled lightly.

"I'm sorry, Draco," she apologized, and tugged on her hair to ensure the braid was tight. "I was really tired. But we can stay in bed longer after I finish this. We can cuddle and talk and skip breakfast, hm?"

"I don't want you skipping breakfast."

"Okay, we can cuddle for fifteen minutes before we go down for breakfast," she suggested. "Just go back to bed and wait for me."

"No." He shook his head and shut his eyes, the coolness of his hands running up and down the rolls of her bare tummy beneath the jersey she wore. His fingers captured a small roll and he squished it, a gesture she noticed he did often because he adored her rolls. "I want to go to bed at the same time."

"I'm almost done." She tried to finish the braid off quickly, her body molding into his.

"Mhm." He nodded, sounding like he was in a small gaze of his own.

When Oshun finished, she and Draco both got back into bed and cuddled beneath the sheets. They never really cuddled in certain positions. Usually they'd just tangle limbs and try to fuse into one.

He was telling her a story about how he got stung by a bee at the age of twelve when she found her eyelids growing heavy again. It was morning and she'd woken not even two hours ago, yet she was tired.

Stupid sickness. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

Her head was resting on his bicep, face hidden under his under arm. Her one leg draped over his waist and her arm over his chest.

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