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Oshun groaned at the soreness between her legs.

Her sheets smelled like sweat and sex and Draco Malfoy.

Truth be told, she liked the way Draco's scent transferred to her cold sheets. She slept so well last night, but she had woken up with such soreness between her legs.

She threw her legs over the edge of her bed and rose to her feet. She nearly collapsed, but she caught herself quickly.

"You fucked Malfoy, did you?" Forest's rough voice tore through the silence.

Oshun's eyes flicked over to her roommate's bed. "Yeah," she mumbled. "So I'm using the shower first. I actually don't even know if he wants people to know we had sex, but it'd be stupid to think anyone wouldn't notice when he dragged me out of the ball."

"Not to mention you guys kissed in front of everyone during the ball," Forest pointed out as she inclined against the headboard, rubbing her eyes tiredly.

"It was a sex lesson," Oshun said as she limped to the bathroom, leaving the door open. "He gave me a sex lesson. That's why he took me back to the dorm. He said Fred wouldn't want some inexperienced."

Forest laughed under her breath, hoarse and full of sleep. "Are there more sex lessons to come?" She sniffed and rubbed her face between her palms to wake herself up.

"I don't know." Oshun squirted some toothpaste onto the bristles of her toothbrush. "He said we'll do stuff another night. So, I suppose?"

"Did you like having sex with him?" Forest's joints popped as she stretched with a groan.

"I mean, yeah. I did, definitely," Oshun admitted as she brushed her teeth. "He's good in bed, but the sex we had was more of him talking me through what to do. I came so fast. I don't know if I should be embarrassed, but I know it's normal since I haven't had sex in a while. I don't even masturbate."

"Climaxing quickly is normal for beginners to sex or if you haven't a release in a while," Forest said evenly, getting out of bed.

"I suppose." Oshun nodded in understanding.

"I can't believe Malfoy—the guy who makes fun of every person who isn't a Pureblood—gave you sex lessons." Forest was in utter dismay. "Wasn't he just throwing snide comments at you last week?"

"I was a bit hesitant when he offered, but I figure it would be good for me to have experience," Oshun said as she rinsed her mouth. "I mean, everyone knows Malfoy is experienced."

"Fred was angry when he saw you go to the ball with Malfoy," Forest pointed out as she strolled to the toilet to pee.

"I know." Oshun opened the top drawer to pop a white pill into her palm to prevent herself from getting pregnant. She swallowed the pill dry. "I didn't really care to make Fred jealous though. Malfoy didn't give me much of a choice when he told me to go with him to the ball."

"Do you think Astoria will get cross with you for sleeping with Malfoy?" Forest asked as she flushed the toilet before walking to the sink to wash her hands.

Oshun's face fell. "I don't... I-I don't know," she muttered. Worry tickled her insides, worry that people would see her as a home-wrecker for sleeping with another girl's boy. "But they're not dating, are they?"

"No. They're honestly kind of toxic, if I'm putting my opinion out there," Forest admitted honestly, drying her hands with the hand towel.

"Malfoy said that Astoria has been fucking Higgs lately." Oshun's eyes widened. "Oh my gosh. Am I a home-wrecker?" She gasped and clapped her hand over her mouth.

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