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Oshun's eyes did a small flutter, nearly opening. A sleepy rumble bubbled from her lips as her eyelids lifted.

Her bleary eyes shifted to see the blond asleep too, his head knocked back against the backrest of the couch. His fingers were knotted in her curls, his other hand laced with hers upon her stomach.

It took a moment for her to register what time it was and where they were.

They were in the Gryffindor common room at four in the morning. They had fallen asleep studying for an exam for class.

Holding his hand still, she sat up groggily and turned her body to face the coffee table. Still in her sleepy haze, she quietly packed up their books and their studies.

She slung their bags both over her shoulder before she got to her feet. "Draco," she murmured, fingers threading through his to pull him up from the couch.

"Hmm..." he mumbled with his eyes closed.

"Come on," she said softly, tugging him up from the couch with all her strength. "Let's go to sleep in my dorm, yeah? Come on."

"Mhm," he hummed throatily as his eyes slowly opened. He got up from the couch and took the bags off her shoulders to hold them.

Hand in hand, they headed up the girls' dormitory stairs and down to her dorm. She opened the door and walked into her dark dorm. He trailed behind her, shutting the door behind him.

Yawning, he put their bags on the floor by the door and they kicked their shoes off before he guided her to her bed. She saw Forest's bed was empty, so she took note that she was with Tavius.

Draco peeled the sheets open and slid into the bed. He pulled Oshun into bed with him, greedy to hold her possessively in his arms.

She was about to fall into a slumber as she lay down, but something on the nightstand on the other side of her double bed caught her view through the dark. She saw a letter.

And what made her wide awake was the Takahashi wax crescent on the envelope. Her parents wrote her back for the first time in weeks.

"Takahashi," Draco nearly whined with a sleepy voice, his eyes shut as he kept tugging at her to fall into his arms. "Come."

He'd become obsessed with cuddling ever since they first cuddled officially.

Oshun couldn't read the letter now because he was here and she didn't want him to ask questions.

Her parents must have sent the letter in the evening because it was now four in the morning. Forest must've been the one to put it on her nightstand.

Oshun wanted to open the letter and read it, but Draco was there.

So with stiff bones, she lay down next to him and curled into his chest. Her face buried in the crook of his neck, her eyes still gawking at the letter over him.

His strong arms wrapped around her tightly, one hand entwined with the back of her curls. He kissed her head ardently and mumbled a little goodnight.

She just lay there in silence and counted the seconds until she felt his steady, soft breaths against her hair.

It didn't take long for him to fall back asleep.

Eventually, she kissed the side of his head sweetly before carefully slipping out from under his arms.

The only downside was that whenever Draco cuddled her, his grip was tight all throughout the night—never wavered. Even when he was asleep.

On a normal day, Oshun would love to be stuck in his tight grip. But at that moment, she needed to get out of his arms to read the letter.

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