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"I'll ask him tomorrow or tonight after the feast," Oshun said as she and Forest sat at their table for the feast. "This has to be a mistake."

"It can't be a mistake," Forest said evenly, "Because why would they send the cards out without looking at them to reread them."


"They don't look at the cards and find a mistake and then just leave the mistake," Forest went on. "That's very irresponsible. Especially for the new law."

"But, this is a mistake," Oshun protested firmly. "It has to be. I can— I— no way— I can't have gotten those two."

"Your card says otherwise..." Forest said slyly.

"Everyone only got one." Oshun's eyebrows pinched together, befuddled to the beyond. "Why did I get two though? Fred has a girlfriend and not once has he ever spoken to me. And Malfoy... the guy hates me."

"I don't think boyfriends and girlfriends matter much at the moment," Forest murmured in a quiet tone. Then she made a tentative sound. "But then again, I don't think anyone will actually listen to the law instantly. Perhaps people will still hookup with other people."

"Forest," Oshun whined. She dropped her head into her palms, elbows resting upon the table. "This is horrible. Why couldn't I get Joaquin?"

Forest made a sound of disdain. "No, that is actually disgusting. He sleeps with socks on. You should know that. And he sleeps in jeans sometimes—when he's too lazy to change."

"But at least I know him and have trust with him and a connection with him," Oshun said quietly, deflated.

"Get me for what? What's going on?" Joaquin asked as he settled himself in front of the ladies. "Why's Oshun freaking?"

"She got two guys," Forest replied, putting a gentle hand on Oshun's thigh. She rubbed it comfortingly.

Joaquin's brows shot up in an instant. "Is that so?" He seemed intrigued. "Why? Who did you get?"

"Malfoy and Fred Weasley," Oshun answered, her voice sounding small. "This is wrong. It has to be a mistake."

Joaquin winced, shaking his head. "Malfoy and Fred. That's going to be rough for you," he muttered, and poured himself a goblet of water.

Forest's dark eyes shot daggers at her twin.

Joaquin's eyes flickered in start as he cleared his throat. "I-I mean," he stammered. "Everything will work out, Oshun." He sent a forced smile at Oshun, his eyes fearfully darting to his sister.

Oshun just made a strangled sound of exasperation, shaking her head against her hands.

No one in the Great Hall was talking about their spouses, so perhaps they all went with the choice to keep it amongst their friends and themselves.

"Who did you get, Joaquin?" Forest asked, inching closer to Oshun to comfort her.

"Pansy Parkinson." His voice lowered for their ears only. "I wonder who Da'Shylah and the others got."

Oshun didn't understand why she got two people because everyone else only got one. There was only supposed to be one for everyone.

What made this even worse was that she got two guys that absolutely hated her—for what? She had no fucking clue.

She didn't even speak a word to either of those guys. Though, she might have had an idea as to why Draco hated her. His stupid Pureblood fetish.

"Hopefully there's a change for the gays." She made an attempt to drag her mind away from her own stress and problems. "If we're being forced by the law to marry random people, it'd be nice for everyone to marry who their hearts desire."

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