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"Dumbledore said that I got two guys because there was an uneven amount of guys to ladies," Oshun told her friends.

"Are you the only one who got two?" Joaquin asked quietly, digging the edge of his fork into his breakfast sausage to break a piece off.

She nodded and put her thigh over the opposite beneath the table. "He said I have a year to fall in love or make connections with one of them," she mumbled, balancing her arms over the edge of the table.

"But what happens to the other one you don't choose?" Forest's eyebrows pinched together in confusion. She leaned against her palm, elbow on the table and attention turned to her roommate.

Oshun shrugged her shoulders lazily. "I'm not exactly sure. Perhaps they'll get paired with someone from the other schools of magic?" Her foot jiggled under the table.

"That's if there's a girl for them to be paired with," Forest pointed out.

"Because as far as Dumbledore knows, Fred and Malfoy are straight," Oshun said in a hushed voice. "That's why I got stuck with them both."

"Do the guys know that you got both of them as options?" Joaquin asked, still keeping a low tone of voice for their ears alone.

Oshun's lips pressed into a line. "I don't know. I haven't spoken to either of the guys," she answered lamely, dark eyes falling down to her plate of half eaten fruit.

"No?" Joaquin's eyebrows raised in surprise.

Her head shook. "I was too focused on going to Dumbledore's office."

"Right." Forest nodded in understanding. "Hasn't it been crazy down at his office since the announcement for the gays?"

"Yeah," Oshun confirmed. "His office has been so busy since he announced the change for the people who are gay, so I waited until his office was not as busy. And I don't even want to speak to either of the guys."

"Speaking of." Joaquin cleared his throat and took a sip of water to wash down his toast. "Really quickly, did Da'Shylah and Gio tell you who they got?"

"No," Oshun and Forest answered in unison.

"They haven't told me either. Or Mavi, or Tavius," Joaquin mused, siren eyes squinted in puzzlement.

"Maybe they just got their new spouses yesterday since Dumbledore's office was so busy," Forest said indulgently, her voice smooth and serene.

"Maybe." Joaquin nodded slowly. "Right, let's go to class." He stood from his seat and slung his bag over his shoulder.

Oshun and Forest followed in suit and the three of them walked to their Potions class.

Oshun walked between the twins, holding Forest's arm, conversing about the homework they would surely get in this class.

She didn't know if she should tell the two guys she got them both or not. Surely they'd find out some other way, so there really wasn't a point in telling them. Right?

Oshun saw a few Slytherins settling into some seats, so she searched for an empty one.

"Oshun, come." Joaquin nodded his head for her to follow him, Forest behind Oshun.

They all made their spot at a desk in the corner, close to the shelves at the back. More Slytherins and Gryffindors poured into the room, along with Tavius.

"Hey, mate," Joaquin greeted with a warm grin.

Tavius smiled at his friends, settling next to Oshun. "Gio told me who he got this morning," he said, dropping his bag by the foot of his chair.

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