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Oshun never really thought about being in love because she had other things to worry about.

Like when she first found out she had magic in her actual blood, she freaked out for a week or two until her parents calmed her.

Being in love was different than having love for someone.

She had so much love for her mates and her family, but she wasn't in love with them. Perhaps Oshun was just in love with the idea of being in love.

She had thought it was just something make-believe. Romance novels weren't her thing, but she read her fair share of them.

The romance in those novels were too unrealistic. Too perfect and nice and indescribable. There was no chance love like that was real in reality.

It was a daft, phony picture painted to raise the expectations and standards of love. But when the reality hit—the reality of that love not being as sweet and true and wholesome as expected—people get hurt.

It was damaging. People get really hurt. Hearts get broken. Their expectations and standards get lower, which make them take the bare minimum.

The bare minimum should never be praised. Never.

She could fantasize and have dreams about being in love, but she knew she'd never be in love because of how closed off she was with everyone.

Someone could flirt with her and she would brush it off with a thank you or an oblivious smile or she would walk away.

Sometimes she couldn't tell when a person was flirting with her. As embarrassing as it was, it was true.

It wasn't intentional, but sometimes it was. Not to mention, every boy in the school always did horrible jobs at hiding their hormonal desires.

She would rather not be used for male pleasure, so maybe it was a good thing she just stuck to herself.

At this point, falling in love with one of the guys she got for this new marriage law wasn't an option. She wouldn't fall in love and neither of them would either.

She said that in the beginning, on the first day back, she wouldn't fall in love with either of the guys.

And that was before she got a little reminder on how cruel the platinum-haired boy was and how stone-cold the redhead was towards her.

So, no. She wouldn't fall in love. Falling in love was never a part of her plan.

"Miss Takahashi!"

Oshun nearly flinched at the abrupt shout shattering her thoughts. She blinked rapidly and saw Professor Flitwick at the front and the entire class staring at her.

"Sorry, Professor," she mumbled, abashed.

"Won't you share with the class what you were thinking about?" Flitwick folded his hands in front of him, waiting in mockery. "If my class is so boring, please, share your thoughts."

Oshun's face burned red. She wanted the floor to swallow her whole. Her palms clammed up and her heart was increasing its pace.

She said nothing to the professor.

"Too much daydreaming, isn't that right, Takahashi?" Draco's sonorous voice of derision called from the far back of the classroom. "Won't you share? I'm sure we'd love to hear."

"Fuck off, Malfoy," Joaquin spat harshly at the same time as his hand pulled Oshun's stool protectively closer to him. "Your snide comments are uncalled for."

Oshun wanted to just die right then and there. Her saliva felt thick as she swallowed. Anxiety was simmering in the depths of her blood, causing her veins to rush.

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