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Oshun nearly made a strangled sound of astoundment.

Sex lessons?

From Draco Malfoy?

Did she hear him correctly?

Was she hearing things?

Was she dying?

This was the same guy sniping nasty comments at her about her so called filthy blood, and now he wanted to give her sex lessons?

"Wh—What do you mean by sex lessons?" she asked as they approached her tower.

"Physical sex lessons. I'm more of a physical guy than a talking guy." Draco stepped aside and held a hand out at the door. "Password."

She didn't mean to mutter the password, but she did.

And then the blond led her up to the girls' dormitory. "Which one is your dorm?" he asked as they strolled down the corridor of girls' dorms.

Oshun lifted her hand and pointed a finger at her dorm, and after she did that, she did not understand why she did that.

He headed for her dorm and let go of her hand to open the door. He was acting so casual, so nonchalant. As though he gave a lot of people sex lessons. As though this were normal for him.

"Where's your roommate?" Draco asked, noticing the second bed.

"The ball." Oshun shut the door behind her and stood there awkwardly.

"Which one is your bed?" He stood in front of her to her right, scanning the scenery of her dorm.

Again, she did not know why she pointed to her bed when he asked.

He hummed and crossed to her bed. He sat on the edge of it and bounced a few times. He then stood and pressed his palms against the mattress before pushing down on it.

"It'll work." He sat on the edge of her bed again and his gaze collided with hers. "Why are you just standing there?"

"I—" She paused as her back pressed against the door. "I don't understand what's going on."

"I told you." His hands propped behind him as his knees spread. "I'm giving you sex lessons—unless you don't want to. But if you didn't want to, you wouldn't have let me drag you to your tower."

"Why?" That one word could be the start of a billion questions she had.

"Why what?" he echoed, a flicker of a smirk passed across his mouth. "Why am I giving a filthy blood witch sex lessons? Or why do you actually want me to give you sex lessons?" His eyebrows raised.

Oshun's jaw clenched at the snide comment.

But perhaps she did want to get these so-called sex lessons. Perhaps she wanted to know how to have sex properly for herself, not for anyone else. Gaining experience would be good for her.

Draco Malfoy was experienced—fucking hell, of course he was. He slept with at least half the school, so if she were to learn about how to have proper and pleasurable sex, it should be from someone who was experienced, right?

"Well?" Draco's voice tore through her thoughts. "Shall we get started, yes or no?"

"What's in it for you?" Oshun asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

"What's in it for me?" he repeated as a sly smirk climbed upon his mouth. "I get to have sex." He cocked his head to the side. "I like sex. A lot."

"But you have Astoria." She shifted her weight from one foot to another, still unsure.

alluringly entwined | f.w, d.mحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن