𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 18: 𝓣𝓲𝓵𝓽𝓮𝓭 𝓢𝓽𝓪𝓰𝓮

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Triggers: 🟣⚫️🟡

So, it was happening all over again. Another class trial, this time for the death of Kokoro Mitsume, the Ultimate Psychologist.

Aki was much more prepared than she was in the previous trial, but she was still nervous as hell. She had multiple people relying on her, all of them with high expectations. If she wasn't careful, the pressure would cause her to cave and lose the trust of someone incredibly important to her. 

(25)* "So, we're looking for the person who killed Kokoro..." Yuki began slowly. 

"Where are we even supposed to start? I honestly have no idea..." Iroha whimpered.

"If you all would be so kind as to lend me your ears, there is something I must tell you before we begin," Mikado announced.

"I don't have a clue what happened, honestly..." Yoruko sighed.

"Please don't ignore me!" Mikado cried.

"You've got some nerve talking to us, Mikado," Shinji growled.

"Is it just me, or is my existence beginning to receive less and less acknowledgment...? I've said this before, yet it seems I have no choice but to repeat myself. Although you may ignore me in everyday life, it would be unwise to ignore me during trials. I, for one, did my fair share of the investigation. And it would do me no greater joy than to assist you all in the solving of this case!"

"Leave us alone, will you?" Teruya scoffed.

"No, he has a point. We probably should listen to Mikado." Sora retorted.

"Eh? Are you sure that's okay?" Yuki asked worriedly. 

"It's not like Mikado can afford to let us lose the class trial, considering all our lives, his included, are on the line...Every testimony is important, even if it's coming from a loser like him or a liar like Syobai." Sora nodded.

"Ah...! You're something else, Miss Sora!" Mikado beamed.

"Plus, he could always be the killer, so..." Aki huffed.

Sora agreed. "And even if he's nothing but an ugly, worthless piece of scum, who's no better than a rotting piece of inedible garbage...There's the smallest chance he might've found an important piece of evidence."

"Mon Dieu! My poor, broken heart!" Mikado whined.

"If Sora says so...then I guess it's fine..." Iroha sighed.

Mikado recovered quickly. "Seeing that it's come to this, I present to you all my ultimate piece of evidence which will undoubtedly restore your valued trust in me!"

"I had trust in you? That's news to me." Aki rolled her eyes.

"Ultimate piece of evidence...? What, did you already solve it?" Nikei questioned.

"Well, no. Not yet...but I–" Mikado stammered. 

"Argh! Shut up already! We can't afford to get off track!" Shinji shouted.

"Agreed. Like Rara said, I guess we shouldn't completely ignore him, but I doubt he'll be of any use, so...Let's just keep going for now, okay? Starting from the top, I think we should go over everything we know so far. That's what Koko would've done." Setsuka started.

"Yeah...Without Koro, we have nobody to rely on other than ourselves..." Hibiki frowned.

"Don't worry, sis. I'm here for you." Kanade smiled.

"Cheer up, you guys. We can do this. For Kokoro." Emma grimaced.

Aki quickly stepped in. "Don't worry, you can all rely on me. I will solve this case, no matter the cost. Mark my words."

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